Developer Interface

This part of the documentation covers all the classes of TM1py.

TM1 Services

class TM1py.AnnotationService(rest: RestService)

Service to handle Object Updates for TM1 CellAnnotations

create(annotation: Annotation, **kwargs) Response

create an Annotation


annotation – instance of TM1py.Annotation

create_many(annotations: Iterable[Annotation], **kwargs) Response

create an Annotation


annotations – instances of TM1py.Annotation

delete(annotation_id: str, **kwargs) Response

delete Annotation


annotation_id – string, the id of the annotation

get(annotation_id: str, **kwargs) Annotation

get an annotation from any cube through its unique id


annotation_id – String, the id of the annotation

get_all(cube_name: str, **kwargs) List[Annotation]

get all annotations from given cube as a List.



update(annotation: Annotation, **kwargs) Response

update Annotation. updateable attributes: commentValue


annotation – instance of TM1py.Annotation

class TM1py.ApplicationService(tm1_rest: <module 'TM1py.Services.RestService' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>)

Service to Read and Write TM1 Applications

create(application: Application | DocumentApplication, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

Create Planning Analytics application

  • application – instance of Application

  • private – boolean


create_document_from_file(path_to_file: str, application_path: str, application_name: str, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

Create DocumentApplication in TM1 from local file

  • path_to_file

  • application_path

  • application_name

  • private


delete(path: str, application_type: str | ApplicationTypes, application_name: str, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

Delete Planning Analytics application reference

  • path – path through folder structure to delete the applications entry. For instance: “Finance/Reports”

  • application_type – type of the to be deleted application entry

  • application_name – name of the to be deleted application entry

  • private – Access level of the to be deleted object


exists(path: str, application_type: str | ApplicationTypes, name: str, private: bool = False, **kwargs) bool

Check if application exists

  • path

  • application_type

  • name

  • private


get(path: str, application_type: str | ApplicationTypes, name: str, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Application

Retrieve Planning Analytics Application

  • path – path with forward slashes

  • application_type – str or ApplicationType from Enum

  • name

  • private


get_document(path: str, name: str, private: bool = False, **kwargs) DocumentApplication

Get Excel Application from TM1 Server in binary format. Can be dumped to file.

  • path – path through folder structure to application. For instance: “Finance/P&L.xlsx”

  • name – name of the application

  • private – boolean


Return DocumentApplication

rename(path: str, application_type: str | ApplicationTypes, application_name: str, new_application_name: str, private: bool = False, **kwargs)
update(application: Application | DocumentApplication, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

Update Planning Analytics application

  • application – instance of Application

  • private – boolean


update_document_from_file(path_to_file: str, application_path: str, application_name: str, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

Update DocumentApplication in TM1 from local file

  • path_to_file

  • application_path

  • application_name

  • private


update_or_create_document_from_file(path: str, name: str, path_to_file: str, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

Update or create application from file

  • path – application path on server, i.e. ‘Finance/Reports’

  • name – name of the application on server, i.e. ‘Flash.xlsx’

  • path_to_file – full local file path of file, i.e. ‘C:UsersUserFlash.xslx’

  • private – access level of the object



class TM1py.CellService(tm1_rest: RestService)

Service to handle Read and Write operations to TM1 cubes

activate_transactionlog(*args: str, **kwargs) Response

Activate Transactionlog for one or many cubes


args – one or many cube names


begin_changeset() str

begin a change set


Change set ID

check_cell_feeders(cube_name: str, elements: Iterable | str, dimensions: Iterable[str] = None, sandbox_name: str = None, element_separator: str = ',', hierarchy_separator: str = '&&', hierarchy_element_separator: str = '::', **kwargs) Dict

Check feeders

  • cube_name – name of the target cube

  • elements

string “Hierarchy1::Element1 && Hierarchy2::Element4, Element9, Element2”
  • Dimensions are not specified! They are derived from the position.

  • The , separates the element-selections

  • If more than one hierarchy is selected per dimension && splits the elementselections

  • If no Hierarchy is specified. Default Hierarchy will be addressed

or Iterable [Element1, Element2, Element3] :param dimensions: optional. Dimension names in their natural order. Will speed up the execution! :param sandbox_name: str :param element_separator: Alternative separator for the elements, if elements are passed as string :param hierarchy_separator: Alternative separator for multiple hierarchies, if elements are passed as string :param hierarchy_element_separator: Alternative separator between hierarchy name and element name, if elements are passed as string :return: fed cell descriptor

clear(cube: str, **kwargs)

Takes the cube name and keyword argument pairs of dimensions and MDX expressions:

``` tm1.cells.clear(

cube=”Sales”, salesregion=”{[Sales Region].[Australia],[Sales Region].[New Zealand]}”, product=”{[Product].[ABC]}”, time=”{[Time].[2022].Children}”)


Make sure that the keyword argument names (e.g. product) map with the dimension names (e.g. Product) in the cube. Spaces in the dimension name (e.g., “Sales Region”) must be omitted in the keyword (e.g. “salesregion”)

  • cube – name of the cube

  • kwargs – keyword argument pairs of dimension names and mdx set expressions


clear_spread(cube: str, unique_element_names: Iterable[str], sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) Response

Execute clear spread :param cube: name of the cube :param unique_element_names: target cell coordinates as unique element names (e.g. [“[d1].[c1]”,”[d2].[e3]”]) :param sandbox_name: str :return:

clear_with_dataframe(cube: str, df: DataFrame, dimension_mapping: Dict = None, **kwargs)
Clears data from a TM1 cube based on the distinct values in a DataFrame over cube dimensions.
This function is similar to tm1.cells.clear, but it is designed specifically for clearing data

based on distinct values in a DataFrame over cube dimensions. The key difference is that this function interprets the DataFrame columns as dimensions and supports a mapping (dimension_mapping) for specifying hierarchies within those dimensions.

  • cube – str The name of the TM1 cube.

  • df – pd.DataFrame The DataFrame containing distinct values over cube dimensions. Columns in the DataFrame should correspond to cube dimensions.

  • dimension_mapping – Dict, optional A dictionary mapping the DataFrame columns to one or many hierarchies within the given dimension. If not provided, assumes that the dimensions have just one hierarchy.


None The function clears data in the specified TM1 cube.


ValueError – If there are unmatched dimensions in the DataFrame or if specified dimensions do not exist in the TM1 cube.



# Sample DataFrame with distinct values over cube dimensions data = {

“Year”: [“2021”, “2022”], “Organisation”: [“some_company”, “some_company”], “Location”: [“Germany”, “Albania”]


# Sample dimension mapping dimensions_mapping = {

“Organisation”: “hierarchy_1”, “Location”: [“hierarchy_2”, “hierarchy_3”, “hierarchy_4”]


dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data)

with TM1Service(**tm1params) as tm1:

tm1.cells.clear_with_dataframe(cube=”Sales”, df=dataframe)


clear_with_mdx(cube: str, mdx: str, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs)

clear a slice in a cube based on an MDX query. Function requires admin permissions, since TM1py uses an unbound TI with a ViewZeroOut statement.

  • cube – name of the cube

  • mdx – a valid MDX query

  • sandbox_name – a valid existing sandbox for the current user

  • kwargs


create_cellset(mdx: str | MdxBuilder, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) str

Execute MDX in order to create cellset at server. return the cellset-id

  • mdx – MDX Query, as string

  • sandbox_name – str


create_cellset_from_view(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) str

create cellset from a cube view. return the cellset-id

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • kwargs

  • sandbox_name – str


deactivate_transactionlog(*args: str, **kwargs) Response

Deactivate Transactionlog for one or many cubes


args – one or many cube names


delete_cellset(cellset_id: str, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) Response

Delete a cellset

  • cellset_id

  • sandbox_name – str


drop_non_updateable_cells(cells: Dict, cube_name: str, dimensions: List[str])
end_changeset(change_set: str) Response

end a change set


Change set ID

execute_mdx(mdx: str, cell_properties: List[str] = None, top: int = None, skip_contexts: bool = False, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, element_unique_names: bool = True, skip_cell_properties: bool = False, use_compact_json: bool = False, skip_sandbox_dimension: bool = False, max_workers: int = 1, async_axis: int = 0, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveTuplesDict

Execute MDX and return the cells with their properties

  • mdx – MDX Query, as string

  • cell_properties – properties to be queried from the cell. E.g. Value, Ordinal, RuleDerived, …

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_contexts – skip elements from titles / contexts in response

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • sandbox_name – str

  • element_unique_names – ‘[d1].[h1].[e1]’ or ‘e1’

  • skip_cell_properties – cell values in result dictionary, instead of cell_properties dictionary

  • use_compact_json – bool


bool = False


content in sweet concise structure.

execute_mdx_async(mdx: str, cell_properties: List[str] = None, top: int = None, skip_contexts: bool = False, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, element_unique_names: bool = True, skip_cell_properties: bool = False, use_compact_json: bool = False, skip_sandbox_dimension: bool = False, max_workers: int = 8, async_axis: int = 0, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveTuplesDict

Execute MDX and return the cells with their properties

  • mdx – MDX Query, as string

  • cell_properties – properties to be queried from the cell. E.g. Value, Ordinal, RuleDerived, …

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_contexts – skip elements from titles / contexts in response

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • sandbox_name – str

  • element_unique_names – ‘[d1].[h1].[e1]’ or ‘e1’

  • skip_cell_properties – cell values in result dictionary, instead of cell_properties dictionary

  • use_compact_json – bool

  • skip_sandbox_dimension – bool = False

  • max_workers – Int, number of threads to use in parallel

  • async_axis – 0 (columns) or 1 (rows). On which axis to parallelize retrieval


content in sweet concise structure.

execute_mdx_cellcount(mdx: str, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) int

Execute MDX in order to understand how many cells are in a cellset. Only return number of cells in the cellset. FAST!

  • mdx – MDX Query, as string

  • sandbox_name – str


Number of Cells in the CellSet

execute_mdx_csv(mdx: str | MdxBuilder, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = True, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, csv_dialect: Dialect = None, line_separator: str = '\r\n', value_separator: str = ',', sandbox_name: str = None, include_attributes: bool = False, use_iterative_json: bool = False, use_compact_json: bool = False, use_blob: bool = False, mdx_headers: bool = False, **kwargs) str

Optimized for performance. Get csv string of coordinates and values.

  • mdx – Valid MDX Query

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • csv_dialect – provide all csv output settings through standard library csv.Dialect If not provided dialect is created based on line_separator and value_separator arguments.

  • line_separator

  • value_separator

  • sandbox_name – str

  • include_attributes – include attribute columns

  • use_iterative_json – use iterative json parsing to reduce memory consumption significantly.

Comes at a cost of 3-5% performance. :param use_compact_json: bool :param use_blob: Has better performance on datasets > 1M cells and lower memory footprint in any case. :param mdx_headers: boolean, fully qualified hierarchy name as header instead of simple dimension name :return: String

execute_mdx_dataframe(mdx: str | MdxBuilder, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = True, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, include_attributes: bool = False, use_iterative_json: bool = False, use_compact_json: bool = False, use_blob: bool = False, shaped: bool = False, mdx_headers: bool = False, **kwargs) DataFrame

Optimized for performance. Get Pandas DataFrame from MDX Query.

Takes all arguments from the pandas.read_csv method:

If ‘use_blob’ and ‘shaped’ are True, ‘skip_zeros’ will be overruled to False. This is necessary to assure column order is in line with cube view in TM1

  • mdx – Valid MDX Query

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • sandbox_name – str

  • include_attributes – include attribute columns

  • use_iterative_json – use iterative json parsing to reduce memory consumption significantly.

Comes at a cost of 3-5% performance. :param use_compact_json: bool :param use_blob: Has better performance on datasets > 1M cells and lower memory footprint in any case. :param shaped: preserve shape of view/mdx in data frame :param mdx_headers: boolean, fully qualified hierarchy name as header instead of simple dimension name :return: Pandas Dataframe

execute_mdx_dataframe_async(mdx_list: List[str | MdxBuilder], max_workers: int = 8, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = True, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, include_attributes: bool = False, use_iterative_json: bool = False, use_compact_json: bool = False, use_blob: bool = False, shaped: bool = False, mdx_headers: bool = False, **kwargs) DataFrame
execute_mdx_dataframe_pivot(mdx: str, dropna: bool = False, fill_value: bool = None, sandbox_name: str = None) DataFrame

Execute MDX Query to get a pandas pivot data frame in the shape as specified in the Query

  • mdx

  • dropna

  • fill_value

  • sandbox_name – str


execute_mdx_dataframe_shaped(mdx: str, sandbox_name: str = None, display_attribute: bool = False, use_iterative_json: bool = False, use_blob: bool = False, mdx_headers: bool = False, **kwargs) DataFrame

Retrieves data from cube in the shape of the query. Dimensions on rows can be stacked. One dimension must be placed on columns. Title selections are ignored.

  • mdx

  • sandbox_name – str

:param use_blob :param use_iterative_json :param display_attribute: bool, show element name or first attribute from MDX PROPERTIES clause :param kwargs: :return:

execute_mdx_elements_value_dict(mdx: str, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = True, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, element_separator: str = '|', sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveDict

Optimized for performance. Get Dict from MDX Query. :param mdx: Valid MDX Query :param top: Int, number of cells to return (counting from top) :param skip: Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top) :param skip_zeros: skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view) :param skip_consolidated_cells: skip consolidated cells in cellset :param skip_rule_derived_cells: skip rule derived cells in cellset :param element_separator: separator for the dimension element combination :param sandbox_name: str :return: CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveDict {‘2020|Jan|Sales’: 2000, ‘2020|Feb|Sales’: 3000}

execute_mdx_raw(mdx: str, cell_properties: Iterable[str] = None, elem_properties: Iterable[str] = None, member_properties: Iterable[str] = None, top: int = None, skip_contexts: bool = False, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, include_hierarchies: bool = False, use_compact_json: bool = False, **kwargs) Dict

Execute MDX and return the raw data from TM1

  • mdx – String, a valid MDX Query

  • cell_properties – List of properties to be queried from the cell. E.g. [‘Value’, ‘RuleDerived’, …]

  • elem_properties – List of properties to be queried from the elements. E.g. [‘Name’,’Attributes’, …]

  • member_properties – List of properties to be queried from the members. E.g. [‘Name’,’Attributes’, …]

  • top – Integer limiting the number of cells and the number or rows returned

  • skip – Integer limiting the number of cells and the number or rows returned

  • skip_contexts – skip elements from titles / contexts in response

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • sandbox_name – str

  • include_hierarchies – retrieve Hierarchies property on Axes

  • use_compact_json – bool


Raw format from TM1.

execute_mdx_rows_and_values(mdx: str, element_unique_names: bool = True, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveTuplesDict

Execute MDX and retrieve row element names and values in a case and space insensitive dictionary

  • mdx

  • element_unique_names

  • sandbox_name – str

  • kwargs


execute_mdx_rows_and_values_string_set(mdx: str, exclude_empty_cells: bool = True, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveSet

Retrieve row element names and string cell values in a case and space insensitive set

  • exclude_empty_cells

  • mdx

  • sandbox_name – str


execute_mdx_ui_array(mdx: str, elem_properties: Iterable[str] = None, member_properties: Iterable[str] = None, value_precision: int = 2, top: int = None, skip: int = None, sandbox_name: str = None, use_compact_json: bool = False, **kwargs)

Useful for grids or charting libraries that want an array of cell values per row. Returns 3-dimensional cell structure for tabbed grids or multiple charts. Rows and pages are dicts, addressable by their name. Proper order of rows can be obtained in headers[1] Example ‘cells’ return format:

‘cells’: {
‘10100’: {
‘Net Operating Income’: [ 19832724.72429739,

20365654.788303416, 20729201.329183243, 20480205.20121749],

‘Revenue’: [ 28981046.50724231,

29512482.207418434, 29913730.038971487, 29563345.9542385]},

‘10200’: {
‘Net Operating Income’: [ 9853293.623709997,

10277650.763958748, 10466934.096533755, 10333095.839474997],

‘Revenue’: [ 13888143.710000003,

14300216.43, 14502421.63, 14321501.940000001]}


  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • mdx – a valid MDX Query

  • elem_properties – List of properties to be queried from the elements. E.g. [‘UniqueName’,’Attributes’]

  • member_properties – List of properties to be queried from the members. E.g. [‘UniqueName’,’Attributes’]

  • value_precision – Integer (optional) specifying number of decimal places to return

  • sandbox_name – str

  • use_compact_json – bool


dict :{ titles: [], headers: [axis][], cells:{ Page0:{ Row0:{ [row values], Row1: [], …}, …}, …}}

execute_mdx_ui_dygraph(mdx: str, elem_properties: Iterable[str] = None, member_properties: Iterable[str] = None, value_precision: int = 2, top: int = None, skip: int = None, sandbox_name: str = None, use_compact_json: bool = False, **kwargs) Dict

Execute MDX get dygraph dictionary Useful for grids or charting libraries that want an array of cell values per column Returns 3-dimensional cell structure for tabbed grids or multiple charts Example ‘cells’ return format:

‘cells’: {
‘10100’: [

[‘Q1-2004’, 28981046.50724231, 19832724.72429739], [‘Q2-2004’, 29512482.207418434, 20365654.788303416], [‘Q3-2004’, 29913730.038971487, 20729201.329183243], [‘Q4-2004’, 29563345.9542385, 20480205.20121749]],

‘10200’: [

[‘Q1-2004’, 13888143.710000003, 9853293.623709997], [‘Q2-2004’, 14300216.43, 10277650.763958748], [‘Q3-2004’, 14502421.63, 10466934.096533755], [‘Q4-2004’, 14321501.940000001, 10333095.839474997]]


  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • mdx – String, valid MDX Query

  • elem_properties – List of properties to be queried from the elements. E.g. [‘UniqueName’,’Attributes’]

  • member_properties – List of properties to be queried from the members. E.g. [‘UniqueName’,’Attributes’]

  • value_precision – Integer (optional) specifying number of decimal places to return

  • sandbox_name – str

  • use_compact_json – bool


dict: { titles: [], headers: [axis][], cells: { Page0: [ [column name, column values], [], … ], …}}

execute_mdx_values(mdx: str, sandbox_name: str = None, use_compact_json: bool = False, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str | float]

Optimized for performance. Query only raw cell values. Coordinates are omitted !

  • mdx – a valid MDX Query

  • sandbox_name – str

  • use_compact_json – bool

  • skip_zeros – bool

  • skip_consolidated_cells – bool

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – bool


List of cell values

execute_unbound_process(process: Process, **kwargs) Tuple[bool, str, str]
execute_view(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, cell_properties: Iterable[str] = None, top: int = None, skip_contexts: bool = False, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, element_unique_names: bool = True, skip_cell_properties: bool = False, use_compact_json: bool = False, max_workers: int = 1, async_axis: int = 0, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveTuplesDict
get view content as dictionary with sweet and concise structure.

Works on NativeView and MDXView !

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • cell_properties – List, cell properties: [Values, Status, HasPicklist, etc.]

  • private – Boolean

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_contexts – skip elements from titles / contexts in response

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • element_unique_names – ‘[d1].[h1].[e1]’ or ‘e1’

  • sandbox_name – str

  • skip_cell_properties – cell values in result dictionary, instead of cell_properties dictionary

  • max_workers – Int, number of threads to use in parallel

  • async_axis – 0 (columns) or 1 (rows). On which axis to parallelize retrieval

  • use_compact_json – bool


Dictionary : {([dim1].[elem1], [dim2][elem6]): {‘Value’:3127.312, ‘Ordinal’:12} …. }

execute_view_async(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, cell_properties: Iterable[str] = None, top: int = None, skip_contexts: bool = False, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, element_unique_names: bool = True, skip_cell_properties: bool = False, max_workers: int = 8, async_axis: int = 0, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveTuplesDict
get view content as dictionary with sweet and concise structure.

Works on NativeView and MDXView !

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • cell_properties – List, cell properties: [Values, Status, HasPicklist, etc.]

  • private – Boolean

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_contexts – skip elements from titles / contexts in response

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • element_unique_names – ‘[d1].[h1].[e1]’ or ‘e1’

  • sandbox_name – str

  • skip_cell_properties – cell values in result dictionary, instead of cell_properties dictionary

  • max_workers – Int, number of threads to use in parallel

  • async_axis – 0 (columns) or 1 (rows). On which axis to parallelize retrieval


Dictionary : {([dim1].[elem1], [dim2][elem6]): {‘Value’:3127.312, ‘Ordinal’:12} …. }

execute_view_cellcount(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) int

Execute cube view in order to understand how many cells are in a cellset. Only return number of cells in the cellset. FAST!

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • sandbox_name – str


execute_view_csv(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = True, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, csv_dialect: Dialect = None, line_separator: str = '\r\n', value_separator: str = ',', sandbox_name: str = None, use_iterative_json: bool = False, use_compact_json: bool = False, use_blob: bool = False, arranged_axes: Tuple[List, List, List] = None, mdx_headers: bool = False, **kwargs) str

Optimized for performance. Get csv string of coordinates and values.

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • csv_dialect – provide all csv output settings through standard library csv.Dialect If not provided dialect is created based on line_separator and value_separator arguments.

  • line_separator

  • value_separator

  • sandbox_name – str

  • use_iterative_json – use iterative json parsing to reduce memory consumption significantly.

Comes at a cost of 3-5% performance. :param use_compact_json: bool :param use_blob: Has 40% better performance and lower memory footprint in any case. Requires admin permissions. :param arranged_axes: Tuple of dimension names on all axes as 3 lists: Titles, Rows, Columns.

Allows function to skip retrieval of cellset composition. E.g.: arranged_axes=([“Year”], [“Region”,”Product”], [“Period”, “Version”])


mdx_headers – boolean, fully qualified hierarchy name as header instead of simple dimension name



execute_view_dataframe(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = True, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, use_iterative_json: bool = False, use_blob: bool = False, shaped: bool = False, arranged_axes: Tuple[List, List, List] = None, mdx_headers: bool = False, **kwargs) DataFrame

Optimized for performance. Get Pandas DataFrame from an existing Cube View Context dimensions are omitted in the resulting Dataframe ! Cells with Zero/null are omitted !

If ‘use_blob’ and ‘shaped’ are True, ‘skip_zeros’ will be overruled to False. This is necessary to assure column order is in line with cube view in TM1

Takes all arguments from the pandas.read_csv method:

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • sandbox_name – str

  • use_iterative_json – use iterative json parsing to reduce memory consumption significantly.

Comes at a cost of 3-5% performance. :param use_blob: Has 40% better performance and lower memory footprint in any case. Requires admin permissions. :param shaped: Shape rows and columns of data frame as specified in cube view / MDX :param arranged_axes: Tuple of dimension names on all axes as 3 lists: Titles, Rows, Columns.

Allows function to skip retrieval of cellset composition in use_blob mode. E.g.: axes=([“Year”], [“Region”,”Product”], [“Period”, “Version”]) :param mdx_headers: boolean, fully qualified hierarchy name as header instead of simple dimension name


Pandas Dataframe

execute_view_dataframe_pivot(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, dropna: bool = False, fill_value: bool = None, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) DataFrame

Execute a cube view to get a pandas pivot dataframe, in the shape of the cube view

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • dropna

  • fill_value

  • sandbox_name – str


execute_view_dataframe_shaped(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, use_iterative_json: bool = False, use_blob: bool = False, mdx_headers: bool = False, **kwargs) DataFrame

Retrieves data from cube in the shape of the query. Dimensions on rows can be stacked. One dimension must be placed on columns. Title selections are ignored.

  • cube_name

  • view_name

  • private

  • sandbox_name – str

:param use_blob :param use_iterative_json :param kwargs: :return:

execute_view_elements_value_dict(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = True, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, element_separator: str = '|', sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveDict

Optimized for performance. Get a Dict(tuple, value) from an existing Cube View Context dimensions are omitted in the resulting Dataframe ! Cells with Zero/null are omitted by default, but still configurable!

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • element_separator – separator for the dimension element combination

  • sandbox_name – str


CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveDict {‘2020|Jan|Sales’: 2000, ‘2020|Feb|Sales’: 3000}

execute_view_raw(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, cell_properties: Iterable[str] = None, elem_properties: Iterable[str] = None, member_properties: Iterable[str] = None, top: int = None, skip_contexts: bool = False, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, use_compact_json: bool = False, **kwargs) Dict

Execute a cube view and return the raw data from TM1

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • cell_properties – List of properties to be queried from the cell. E.g. [‘Value’, ‘RuleDerived’, …]

  • elem_properties – List of properties to be queried from the elements. E.g. [‘Name’,’Attributes’, …]

  • member_properties – List of properties to be queried from the members. E.g. [‘Name’,’Attributes’, …]

  • top – Integer limiting the number of cells and the number or rows returned

  • skip_contexts – skip elements from titles / contexts in response

  • skip – Integer limiting the number of cells and the number or rows returned

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • sandbox_name – str

  • use_compact_json – bool


Raw format from TM1.

execute_view_rows_and_values(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, element_unique_names: bool = True, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveTuplesDict

Execute cube view and retrieve row element names and values in a case and space insensitive dictionary

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • element_unique_names

  • sandbox_name – str

  • kwargs


execute_view_rows_and_values_string_set(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, exclude_empty_cells: bool = True, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveSet

Retrieve row element names and string cell values in a case and space insensitive set

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • exclude_empty_cells

  • sandbox_name – str


execute_view_ui_array(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, elem_properties: Iterable[str] = None, member_properties: Iterable[str] = None, value_precision: int = 2, top: int = None, skip: int = None, sandbox_name: str = None, use_compact_json: bool = False, **kwargs)

Useful for grids or charting libraries that want an array of cell values per row. Returns 3-dimensional cell structure for tabbed grids or multiple charts. Rows and pages are dicts, addressable by their name. Proper order of rows can be obtained in headers[1] Example ‘cells’ return format:

‘cells’: {
‘10100’: {
‘Net Operating Income’: [ 19832724.72429739,

20365654.788303416, 20729201.329183243, 20480205.20121749],

‘Revenue’: [ 28981046.50724231,

29512482.207418434, 29913730.038971487, 29563345.9542385]},

‘10200’: {
‘Net Operating Income’: [ 9853293.623709997,

10277650.763958748, 10466934.096533755, 10333095.839474997],

‘Revenue’: [ 13888143.710000003,

14300216.43, 14502421.63, 14321501.940000001]}


  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • elem_properties – List of properties to be queried from the elements. E.g. [‘UniqueName’,’Attributes’]

  • member_properties – List properties to be queried from the member. E.g. [‘Name’, ‘UniqueName’]

  • value_precision – Integer (optional) specifying number of decimal places to return

  • sandbox_name – str

  • use_compact_json – bool


dict :{ titles: [], headers: [axis][], cells:{ Page0:{ Row0: {[row values], Row1: [], …}, …}, …}}

execute_view_ui_dygraph(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, elem_properties: Iterable[str] = None, member_properties: Iterable[str] = None, value_precision: int = 2, top: int = None, skip: int = None, sandbox_name: str = None, use_compact_json: bool = False, **kwargs)

Useful for grids or charting libraries that want an array of cell values per row. Returns 3-dimensional cell structure for tabbed grids or multiple charts. Rows and pages are dicts, addressable by their name. Proper order of rows can be obtained in headers[1] Example ‘cells’ return format:

‘cells’: {
‘10100’: {
‘Net Operating Income’: [ 19832724.72429739,

20365654.788303416, 20729201.329183243, 20480205.20121749],

‘Revenue’: [ 28981046.50724231,

29512482.207418434, 29913730.038971487, 29563345.9542385]},

‘10200’: {
‘Net Operating Income’: [ 9853293.623709997,

10277650.763958748, 10466934.096533755, 10333095.839474997],

‘Revenue’: [ 13888143.710000003,

14300216.43, 14502421.63, 14321501.940000001]}


  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • cube_name – cube name

  • view_name – view name

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • elem_properties – List of properties to be queried from the elements. E.g. [‘UniqueName’,’Attributes’]

  • member_properties – List of properties to be queried from the members. E.g. [‘UniqueName’,’Attributes’]

  • value_precision – Integer (optional) specifying number of decimal places to return

  • sandbox_name – str

  • use_compact_json – bool


execute_view_values(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, use_compact_json: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str | float]

Execute view and retrieve only the cell values

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – True (private) or False (public)

  • sandbox_name – str

  • use_compact_json – bool

  • skip_zeros – bool

  • skip_consolidated_cells – bool

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – bool

  • kwargs


extract_cellset(cellset_id: str, cell_properties: Iterable[str] = None, top: int = None, skip: int = None, delete_cellset: bool = True, skip_contexts: bool = False, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, element_unique_names: bool = True, skip_cell_properties: bool = False, use_compact_json: bool = False, skip_sandbox_dimension: bool = False, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveTuplesDict

Execute cellset and return the cells with their properties

  • skip_contexts

  • delete_cellset

  • cellset_id

  • cell_properties – properties to be queried from the cell. E.g. Value, Ordinal, RuleDerived, …

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • sandbox_name – str

  • element_unique_names – ‘[d1].[h1].[e1]’ or ‘e1’

  • skip_cell_properties – cell values in result dictionary, instead of cell_properties dictionary

  • use_compact_json – bool

  • skip_sandbox_dimension – skip sandbox dimension


Content in sweet concise structure.

extract_cellset_async(cellset_id: str, cell_properties: Iterable[str] = None, top: int = None, skip: int = None, delete_cellset: bool = True, skip_contexts: bool = False, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, element_unique_names: bool = True, skip_cell_properties: bool = False, skip_sandbox_dimension: bool = False, max_workers: int = 8, async_axis: int = 1, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveTuplesDict

Execute cellset and return the cells with their properties

  • skip_contexts

  • delete_cellset

  • cellset_id

  • cell_properties – properties to be queried from the cell. E.g. Value, Ordinal, RuleDerived, …

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • sandbox_name – str

  • element_unique_names – ‘[d1].[h1].[e1]’ or ‘e1’

  • skip_cell_properties – cell values in result dictionary, instead of cell_properties dictionary

  • skip_sandbox_dimension – skip sandbox dimension

  • max_workers – Int, number of threads to use in parallel

  • async_axis – 0 (columns) or 1 (rows). On which axis to parallelize retrieval


Content in sweet concise structure.

extract_cellset_axes_cardinality(cellset_id: str)
extract_cellset_axes_raw_async(cellset_id: str, async_axis: int = 1, max_workers: int = 8, elem_properties: Iterable[str] = None, member_properties: Iterable[str] = None, skip_contexts: bool = False, include_hierarchies: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs)

Extract cellset axes asynchronously

  • cellset_id – String; ID of existing cellset

  • async_axis – determines which axis will be extracted asynchronously

  • max_workers – Max number of threads, e.g. 14

  • elem_properties – List of properties to be queried from elements. E.g. [‘UniqueName’,’Attributes’, …]

  • member_properties – List properties to be queried from the member. E.g. [‘Name’, ‘UniqueName’]

  • skip_contexts – skip elements from titles / contexts in response

  • sandbox_name – str

  • include_hierarchies – retrieve Hierarchies property on Axes


Raw format from TM1.

extract_cellset_cellcount(cellset_id: str, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) int

Retrieve number of cells in the cellset

  • cellset_id

  • sandbox_name – str

  • kwargs


extract_cellset_cells_raw(cellset_id: str, cell_properties: Iterable[str] = None, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs)
extract_cellset_cells_raw_async(cellset_id: str, max_workers: int = 8, cell_properties: Iterable[str] = None, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs)
extract_cellset_composition(cellset_id: str, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) Tuple[str, List[str], List[str], List[str]]

Retrieve composition of dimensions on the axes in the cellset

  • cellset_id

  • kwargs

  • sandbox_name – str


extract_cellset_csv(cellset_id: str, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = True, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, csv_dialect: Dialect = None, line_separator: str = '\r\n', value_separator: str = ',', sandbox_name: str = None, include_attributes: bool = False, use_compact_json: bool = False, include_headers: bool = True, mdx_headers: bool = False, **kwargs) str

Execute cellset and return only the ‘Content’, in csv format

  • cellset_id – String; ID of existing cellset

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • csv_dialect – provide all csv output settings through standard library csv.Dialect If not provided dialect is created based on line_separator and value_separator arguments.

  • line_separator

:param value_separator :param sandbox_name: str :param include_attributes: include attribute columns :param use_compact_json: boolean :param include_headers: boolean :param mdx_headers: boolean. Fully qualified hierarchy name as header instead of simple dimension name :return: Raw format from TM1.

extract_cellset_csv_iter_json(cellset_id: str, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = True, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, csv_dialect: Dialect = None, line_separator: str = '\r\n', value_separator: str = ',', sandbox_name: str = None, include_attributes: bool = False, mdx_headers: bool = False, **kwargs) str

Execute cellset and return only the ‘Content’, in csv format

  • cellset_id – String; ID of existing cellset

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • csv_dialect – provide all csv output settings through standard library csv.Dialect If not provided dialect is created based on line_separator and value_separator arguments.

  • line_separator

:param value_separator :param sandbox_name: str :param include_attributes: boolean :param mdx_headers: boolean. Fully qualified hierarchy name as header instead of simple dimension name :return: Raw format from TM1.

extract_cellset_cube_with_dimensions(cellset_id: str, **kwargs)
extract_cellset_dataframe(cellset_id: str, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = True, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, include_attributes: bool = False, use_iterative_json: bool = False, use_compact_json: bool = False, shaped: bool = False, mdx_headers: bool = False, **kwargs) DataFrame

Build pandas data frame from cellset_id

  • cellset_id

  • top – Int, number of cells to return (counting from top)

  • skip – Int, number of cells to skip (counting from top)

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • sandbox_name – str

  • include_attributes – include attribute columns

  • use_iterative_json – use iterative json parsing to reduce memory consumption significantly.

Comes at a cost of 3-5% performance. :param use_compact_json: bool :param kwargs: :return:

extract_cellset_dataframe_pivot(cellset_id: str, dropna: bool = False, fill_value: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, use_compact_json: bool = False, **kwargs) DataFrame

Extract a pivot table (pandas dataframe) from a cellset in TM1

  • cellset_id

  • dropna

  • fill_value

  • kwargs

  • sandbox_name – str

  • use_compact_json – bool


extract_cellset_dataframe_shaped(cellset_id: str, sandbox_name: str = None, display_attribute: bool = False, infer_dtype: bool = False, mdx_headers: bool = False, **kwargs) DataFrame

Retrieves data from cellset in the shape of the query. Dimensions on rows can be stacked. One dimension must be placed on columns. Title selections are ignored.

:param cellset_id :param sandbox_name: str :param display_attribute: bool, show element name or first attribute from MDX PROPERTIES clause :param infer_dtype: bool, if True, lets pandas infer dtypes, otherwise all columns will be of type str.

extract_cellset_metadata_raw(cellset_id: str, elem_properties: Iterable[str] = None, member_properties: Iterable[str] = None, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_contexts: bool = False, include_hierarchies: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs)
extract_cellset_partition(cellset_id: str, partition_start_ordinal: int, partition_end_ordinal: int, cell_properties: Iterable[str] = None, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None) Dict

Method to extract a cellset partition. Cellset partitions are a collection of cellset cells where they have a defined top left boundary, and bottom right boundary. Read More: :param partition_start_ordinal: top left cell boundary :param partition_end_ordinal: bottom right cell boundary :param cell_properties: cell properties to include, default: Orginal, Value :param top: Integer limiting the number of cells and the number or rows returned :param skip: Integer limiting the number of cells and the number or rows returned :param skip_zeros: skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view) :param skip_consolidated_cells: skip consolidated cells in cellset :param skip_rule_derived_cells: skip rule derived cells in cellset :param sandbox_name: str :return: CellSet Dictionary

extract_cellset_raw(cellset_id: str, cell_properties: Iterable[str] = None, elem_properties: Iterable[str] = None, member_properties: Iterable[str] = None, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_contexts: bool = False, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, include_hierarchies: bool = False, use_compact_json: bool = False, **kwargs) Dict

Extract full cellset data and return the raw data from TM1

  • cellset_id – String; ID of existing cellset

  • cell_properties – List of properties to be queried from cells. E.g. [‘Value’, ‘RuleDerived’, …]

  • elem_properties – List of properties to be queried from elements. E.g. [‘UniqueName’,’Attributes’, …]

  • member_properties – List properties to be queried from the member. E.g. [‘Name’, ‘UniqueName’]

  • top – Integer limiting the number of cells and the number or rows returned

  • skip – Integer limiting the number of cells and the number or rows returned

  • skip_contexts

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • sandbox_name – str

  • include_hierarchies – retrieve Hierarchies property on Axes

  • use_compact_json – bool


Raw format from TM1.

extract_cellset_raw_response(cellset_id: str, cell_properties: Iterable[str] = None, elem_properties: Iterable[str] = None, member_properties: Iterable[str] = None, top: int = None, skip: int = None, skip_contexts: bool = False, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, include_hierarchies: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

Extract full cellset data and return the raw data from TM1

  • cellset_id – String; ID of existing cellset

  • cell_properties – List of properties to be queried from cells. E.g. [‘Value’, ‘RuleDerived’, …]

  • elem_properties – List of properties to be queried from elements. E.g. [‘UniqueName’,’Attributes’, …]

  • member_properties – List properties to be queried from the member. E.g. [‘Name’, ‘UniqueName’]

  • top – Integer limiting the number of cells and the number or rows returned

  • skip – Integer limiting the number of cells and the number or rows returned

  • skip_contexts

  • skip_zeros – skip zeros in cellset (irrespective of zero suppression in MDX / view)

  • skip_consolidated_cells – skip consolidated cells in cellset

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – skip rule derived cells in cellset

  • sandbox_name – str

  • include_hierarchies – retrieve Hierarchies property on Axes


Raw format from TM1.

extract_cellset_rows_and_values(cellset_id: str, element_unique_names: bool = True, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveTuplesDict

Retrieve row element names and values in a case and space insensitive dictionary

  • cellset_id

  • element_unique_names

  • kwargs

  • sandbox_name – str


extract_cellset_values(cellset_id: str, sandbox_name: str = None, use_compact_json: bool = False, skip_zeros: bool = False, skip_consolidated_cells: bool = False, skip_rule_derived_cells: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str | float]

Extract cellset data and return only the cells and values

  • cellset_id – String; ID of existing cellset

  • sandbox_name – str

  • use_compact_json – bool

  • skip_zeros – bool

  • skip_consolidated_cells – bool

  • skip_rule_derived_cells – bool


Raw format from TM1.

get_cellset_cells_count(mdx: str) int

Execute MDX in order to understand how many cells are in a cellset


mdx – MDX Query, as string


Number of Cells in the CellSet

get_dimension_names_for_writing(cube_name: str, **kwargs) List[str]

Get dimensions of a cube. Skip sandbox dimension

  • cube_name

  • kwargs


get_elements_from_all_measure_hierarchies(cube_name: str) Dict[str, str]
get_error_log_file_content(file_name: str, **kwargs) str
get_value(cube_name: str, elements: str | Iterable = None, dimensions: List[str] = None, sandbox_name: str = None, element_separator: str = ',', hierarchy_separator: str = '&&', hierarchy_element_separator: str = '::', **kwargs) str | float

Returns cube value from specified coordinates

  • cube_name – Name of the cube

  • elements – Describes the Dimension-Hierarchy-Element arrangement - Example: “Hierarchy1::Element1 && Hierarchy2::Element4, Element9, Element2” - Dimensions are not specified! They are derived from the position. - The , separates the element-selections - If more than one hierarchy is selected per dimension && splits the elementselections - If no Hierarchy is specified. Default Hierarchy will be addressed

or Iterable of type mdxpy.Member or similar

  • Dimension names must be provided in this case! Example: [(Dimension1, Element1), (Dimension2, Element2), (Dimension3, Element3)]

  • Hierarchys can be included. Example: [(Dimension1, Hierarchy1, Element1), (Dimension1, Hierarchy2, Element2), (Dimension2, Element3)]

  • dimensions – List of dimension names in correct order

  • sandbox_name – str

  • element_separator – Alternative separator for the element selections

  • hierarchy_separator – Alternative separator for multiple hierarchies

  • hierarchy_element_separator – Alternative separator between hierarchy name and element name


get_values(cube_name: str, element_sets: Iterable[Iterable[str]] = None, dimensions: List[str] = None, sandbox_name: str = None, element_separator: str = ',', hierarchy_separator: str = '&&', hierarchy_element_separator: str = '::', **kwargs) List

Returns list of cube values from specified coordinates list. will be in same order as original list

  • cube_name – Name of the cube

  • element_sets – Set of coordinates where each element is provided in the correct dimension order.

[(‘2024’, ‘Actual’, ‘London’, ‘P02), (‘2024’, ‘Forecast’, ‘Berlin’, ‘P03)] :param dimensions: Dimension names in correct order :param sandbox_name: str :param element_separator: Alternative separator for the element selections :param hierarchy_separator: Alternative separator for multiple hierarchies :param hierarchy_element_separator: Alternative separator between hierarchy name and element name :return:

get_view_content(cube_name: str, view_name: str, cell_properties: Iterable[str] = None, private: bool = False, top: int = None)
relative_proportional_spread(value: float, cube: str, unique_element_names: Iterable[str], reference_unique_element_names: Iterable[str], reference_cube: str = None, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) Response

Execute relative proportional spread

  • value – value to be spread

  • cube – name of the cube

  • unique_element_names – target cell coordinates as unique element names (e.g. [“[d1].[c1]”,”[d2].[e3]”])

  • reference_cube – name of the reference cube. Can be None

  • reference_unique_element_names – reference cell coordinates as unique element names

  • sandbox_name – str


sandbox_exists(sandbox_name) bool
trace_cell_calculation(cube_name: str, elements: Iterable | str, dimensions: Iterable[str] = None, sandbox_name: str = None, depth: int = 1, element_separator: str = ',', hierarchy_separator: str = '&&', hierarchy_element_separator: str = '::', **kwargs) Dict

Trace cell calculation at specified coordinates

  • cube_name – name of the target cube

  • elements

string “Hierarchy1::Element1 && Hierarchy2::Element4, Element9, Element2”
  • Dimensions are not specified! They are derived from the position.

  • The , separates the element-selections

  • If more than one hierarchy is selected per dimension && splits the elementselections

  • If no Hierarchy is specified. Default Hierarchy will be addressed

or Iterable [Element1, Element2, Element3] :param dimensions: optional. Dimension names in their natural order. Will speed up the execution! :param sandbox_name: str :param depth: optional. Depth of the component trace that will be returned. Deeper traces take longer :param element_separator: Alternative separator for the elements, if elements are passed as string :param hierarchy_separator: Alternative separator for multiple hierarchies, if elements are passed as string :param hierarchy_element_separator: Alternative separator between hierarchy name and element name, if elements are passed as string :return: trace json string

trace_cell_feeders(cube_name: str, elements: Iterable | str, dimensions: Iterable[str] = None, sandbox_name: str = None, element_separator: str = ',', hierarchy_separator: str = '&&', hierarchy_element_separator: str = '::', **kwargs) Dict

Trace feeders from a cell

  • cube_name – name of the target cube

  • elements

string “Hierarchy1::Element1 && Hierarchy2::Element4, Element9, Element2”
  • Dimensions are not specified! They are derived from the position.

  • The , separates the element-selections

  • If more than one hierarchy is selected per dimension && splits the elementselections

  • If no Hierarchy is specified. Default Hierarchy will be addressed

or Iterable [Element1, Element2, Element3] :param dimensions: optional. Dimension names in their natural order. Will speed up the execution! :param sandbox_name: str :param element_separator: Alternative separator for the elements, if elements are passed as string :param hierarchy_separator: Alternative separator for multiple hierarchies, if elements are passed as string :param hierarchy_element_separator: Alternative separator between hierarchy name and element name, if elements are passed as string :return: feeder trace

transaction_log_is_active(cube_name: str) bool
undo_changeset(changeset: str) Response

undo a changeset. Similar to rolling back transactions.


Change set ID

update_cellset(cellset_id: str, values: Iterable, sandbox_name: str = None, changeset: str = None, **kwargs) Response

Write values into cellset

Number of values must match the number of cells in the cellset

  • cellset_id

  • values – iterable with Numeric and String values

  • sandbox_name – str

  • changeset


write(cube_name: str, cellset_as_dict: Dict, dimensions: Iterable[str] = None, increment: bool = False, deactivate_transaction_log: bool = False, reactivate_transaction_log: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, use_ti: bool = False, use_blob: bool = False, use_changeset: bool = False, precision: int = None, skip_non_updateable: bool = False, measure_dimension_elements: Dict = None, remove_blob: bool = True, allow_spread: bool = False, clear_view: str = None, **kwargs) str | None

Write values to a cube

Same signature as write_values method, but faster since it uses write_values_through_cellset behind the scenes.

Supports incrementing cell values through optional increment argument Spreading through spreading shortcuts is not supported!

  • cube_name – name of the cube

  • cellset_as_dict – {(elem_a, elem_b, elem_c): 243, (elem_d, elem_e, elem_f) : 109}

  • dimensions – optional. Dimension names in their natural order. Will speed up the execution!

  • increment – increment or update cell values

  • deactivate_transaction_log – deactivate before writing

  • reactivate_transaction_log – reactivate after writing

  • sandbox_name – str

  • use_ti – Use unbound process to write. Requires admin permissions. causes massive performance improvement.

  • use_blob – Uses blob to write. Requires admin permissions. 10x faster compared to use_ti

  • use_changeset – Enable ChangesetID: True or False

  • precision – max precision when writhing through unbound process.

Necessary when dealing with large numbers to avoid “number too long” TI syntax error. :param skip_non_updateable skip cells that are not updateable (e.g. rule derived or consolidated) :param measure_dimension_elements: dictionary of measure elements and their types to improve performance when use_ti is True. When all written values are numeric you can pass a default dict with default key ‘Numeric’ :param remove_blob: remove blob file after writing with use_blob=True :param allow_spread: allow TI process in use_blob or use_ti to use CellPutProportionalSpread on C elements :param clear_view: name of cube view to clear before writing :return: changeset or None

write_async(cube_name: str, cells: Dict, slice_size: int = 250000, max_workers: int = 8, dimensions: Iterable[str] = None, increment: bool = False, deactivate_transaction_log: bool = False, reactivate_transaction_log: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, precision: int = None, measure_dimension_elements: Dict = None, **kwargs) str | None

Write asynchronously

  • cube_name

  • cells

  • slice_size

  • max_workers

  • dimensions

  • increment

  • deactivate_transaction_log

  • reactivate_transaction_log

  • sandbox_name

  • precision – max precision when writhing through unbound process.

Necessary to decrease when dealing with large numbers to avoid “number too long” TI syntax error. :param measure_dimension_elements: dictionary of measure elements and their types to improve performance when use_ti is True. :param kwargs: :return:

write_dataframe(cube_name: str, data: DataFrame, dimensions: Iterable[str] = None, increment: bool = False, deactivate_transaction_log: bool = False, reactivate_transaction_log: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, use_ti: bool = False, use_blob: bool = False, use_changeset: bool = False, precision: int = None, skip_non_updateable: bool = False, measure_dimension_elements: Dict = None, sum_numeric_duplicates: bool = True, remove_blob: bool = True, allow_spread: bool = False, clear_view: str = None, **kwargs) str

Function expects same shape as execute_mdx_dataframe returns. Column order must match dimensions in the target cube with an additional column for the values. Column names are not relevant. :param cube_name: :param data: Pandas Data Frame :param dimensions: :param increment: :param deactivate_transaction_log: :param reactivate_transaction_log: :param sandbox_name: :param use_ti: :param use_blob: Uses blob to write. Requires admin permissions. 10x faster compared to use_ti :param use_changeset: Enable ChangesetID: True or False :param precision: max precision when writhing through unbound process. Necessary when dealing with large numbers to avoid “number too long” TI syntax error :param skip_non_updateable skip cells that are not updateable (e.g. rule derived or consolidated) :param measure_dimension_elements: dictionary of measure elements and their types to improve performance when use_ti is True. When all written values are numeric you can pass a default dict with default key ‘Numeric’ :param sum_numeric_duplicates: Aggregate numerical values for duplicated intersections :param remove_blob: remove blob file after writing with use_blob=True :param allow_spread: allow TI process in use_blob or use_ti to use CellPutProportionalSpread on C elements :param clear_view: name of cube view to clear before writing :return: changeset or None

write_dataframe_async(cube_name: str, data: DataFrame, slice_size_of_dataframe: int = 250000, max_workers: int = 8, dimensions: Iterable[str] = None, increment: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, deactivate_transaction_log: bool = False, reactivate_transaction_log: bool = False, **kwargs)

Write DataFrame into a cube using unbound TI processes in a multi-threading way. Requires admin permissions. For a DataFrame with > 1,000,000 rows, this function will at least save half of runtime compared with write_dataframe function. Column order must match dimensions in the target cube with an additional column for the values. Column names are not relevant. :param cube_name: :param data: Pandas Data Frame :param slice_size_of_dataframe: Number of rows for each DataFrame slice, e.g. 10000 :param max_workers: Max number of threads, e.g. 14 :param dimensions: :param increment: increment or update cell values. Defaults to False. :param sandbox_name: name of the sandbox or None :param deactivate_transaction_log: :param reactivate_transaction_log: :return: the Future’s result or raise exception.

write_through_blob(cube_name: str, cellset_as_dict: dict, increment: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, skip_non_updateable: bool = False, remove_blob=True, dimensions: str = None, allow_spread: bool = False, clear_view: str = None, **kwargs)

Writes data back to TM1 via an unbound TI process having an uploaded CSV as data source :param cube_name: str :param cellset_as_dict: :param increment: increment or update cell values :param sandbox_name: str :param skip_non_updateable skip cells that are not updateable (e.g. rule derived or consolidated) :param remove_blob: choose False to persist blob after write. Can be helpful for troubleshooting. :param dimensions: optional. Dimension names in their natural order. Will speed up the execution! :param allow_spread: allow TI process in use_blob or use_ti to use CellPutProportionalSpread on C elements. :param clear_view: name of cube view to clear before writing :param kwargs: :return: Success: bool, Messages: list, ChangeSet: None

write_through_cellset(cube_name: str, cellset_as_dict: Dict, dimensions: Iterable[str] = None, increment: bool = False, deactivate_transaction_log: bool = False, reactivate_transaction_log: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, use_changeset: bool = False, skip_non_updateable: bool = False, **kwargs) str
write_through_unbound_process(cube_name: str, cellset_as_dict: Dict, increment: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, precision: int = None, skip_non_updateable: bool = False, measure_dimension_elements: Dict = None, is_attribute_cube: bool = None, dimensions: List = None, allow_spread: bool = False, **kwargs)

Writes data back to TM1 via an unbound TI process :param cube_name: str :param cellset_as_dict: :param increment: increment or update cell values :param sandbox_name: str :param precision: max precision when writhing through unbound process. :param skip_non_updateable skip cells that are not updateable (e.g. rule derived or consolidated) :param measure_dimension_elements: pass dictionary of measure elements and their types to improve performance When all written values are numeric you can pass a defaultdict with default key: ‘Numeric’ :param is_attribute_cube bool or None :param allow_spread: allow TI process in use_blob or use_ti to use CellPutProportionalSpread on C elements :param kwargs: :return: Success: bool, Messages: list, ChangeSet: None

write_value(value: str | float, cube_name: str, element_tuple: Iterable, dimensions: Iterable[str] = None, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) Response

Write value into cube at specified coordinates

  • value – the actual value

  • cube_name – name of the target cube

  • element_tuple – target coordinates

  • dimensions – optional. Dimension names in their natural order. Will speed up the execution!

  • sandbox_name – str



write_values(cube_name: str, cellset_as_dict: Dict, dimensions: Iterable[str] = None, sandbox_name: str = None, changeset: str = None, **kwargs) str

Write values to a cube

For cellsets with > 1000 cells look into write or write_values_through_cellset Supports spreading shortcuts

  • cube_name – name of the cube

  • cellset_as_dict – {(elem_a, elem_b, elem_c): 243, (elem_d, elem_e, elem_f) : 109}

  • dimensions – optional. Dimension names in their natural order. Will speed up the execution!

  • sandbox_name – str

  • changeset – str



write_values_through_cellset(mdx: str, values: Iterable, increment: bool = False, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) str

Significantly faster than write_values function

Cellset gets created according to MDX Expression. For instance: [[61, 29 ,13], [42, 54, 15], [17, 28, 81]]

Each value in the cellset can be addressed through its position: The ordinal integer value. Ordinal-enumeration goes from top to bottom from left to right Number 61 has Ordinal 0, 29 has Ordinal 1, etc.

The order of the iterable determines the insertion point in the cellset. For instance: [91, 85, 72, 68, 51, 42, 35, 28, 11]

would lead to: [[91, 85 ,72], [68, 51, 42], [35, 28, 11]]

When writing large datasets into TM1 Cubes it can be convenient to call this function asynchronously.

  • mdx – Valid MDX Expression.

  • values – List of values. The Order of the List/ Iterable determines the insertion point in the cellset.

  • increment – increment or update cells

  • sandbox_name – str


changeset: str

class TM1py.ChoreService(rest: RestService)

Service to handle Object Updates for TM1 Chores

activate(chore_name: str, **kwargs) Response

activate chore on TM1 Server :param chore_name: :return: response

create(chore: Chore, **kwargs) Response

create a chore :param chore: instance of TM1py.Chore :return:

deactivate(chore_name: str, **kwargs) Response

deactivate chore on TM1 Server :param chore_name: :return: response

delete(chore_name: str, **kwargs) Response

delete chore in TM1 :param chore_name: :return: response

execute_chore(chore_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Ask TM1 Server to execute a chore :param chore_name: String, name of the chore to be executed :return: the response

exists(chore_name: str, **kwargs) bool

Check if Chore exists




get(chore_name: str, **kwargs) Chore

Get a chore from the TM1 Server :param chore_name: :return: instance of TM1py.Chore

get_all(**kwargs) List[Chore]

get a List of all Chores :return: List of TM1py.Chore

get_all_names(**kwargs) List[str]

get a List of all Chores :return: List of TM1py.Chore

search_for_parameter_value(parameter_value: str, **kwargs) List[Chore]
Return chore details for any/all chores that have a specified value set in the chore parameter settings

*this will NOT check the process parameter default, rather the defined parameter value saved in the chore


parameter_value – string, will search wildcard for string in parameter value using Contains(string)

search_for_process_name(process_name: str, **kwargs) List[Chore]

Return chore details for any/all chores that contain specified process name in tasks


process_name – string, a valid ti process name; spaces will be elimniated

set_local_start_time(chore_name: str, date_time: datetime, **kwargs) Response

Makes Server crash if chore is activated (10.2.2 FP6) :) :param chore_name: :param date_time: :return:

update(chore: Chore, **kwargs)

update chore on TM1 Server does not update: DST Sensitivity! :param chore: :return:

update_or_create(chore: Chore, **kwargs) Response
static zfill_two(number: int) str

Pad an int with zeros on the left two create two digit string




class TM1py.CubeService(rest: RestService)

Service to handle Object Updates for TM1 Cubes

check_rules(cube_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Check rules syntax for existing cube on TM1 Server


cube_name – name of a cube



create(cube: Cube, **kwargs) Response

create new cube on TM1 Server


cube – instance of TM1py.Cube



cube_save_data(cube_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Serializes a cube by saving data updates





delete(cube_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Delete a cube in TM1





exists(cube_name: str, **kwargs) bool

Check if a cube exists. Return boolean.





get(cube_name: str, **kwargs) Cube

get cube from TM1 Server




instance of TM1py.Cube

get_all(**kwargs) List[Cube]

get all cubes from TM1 Server as TM1py.Cube instances


List of TM1py.Cube instances

get_all_names(skip_control_cubes: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str]

Ask TM1 Server for list of all cube names


bool, True will exclude control cubes from list


List of Strings

get_all_names_with_rules(skip_control_cubes: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str]

Ask TM1 Server for list of all cube names that have rules


bool, True will exclude control cubes from list


List of Strings

get_all_names_without_rules(skip_control_cubes: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str]

Ask TM1 Server for list of all cube names that do not have rules :skip_control_cubes: bool, True will exclude control cubes from list :return: List of Strings

get_control_cubes(**kwargs) List[Cube]

Get all Cubes with } prefix from TM1 Server as TM1py.Cube instances


List of TM1py.Cube instances

get_dimension_names(cube_name: str, skip_sandbox_dimension: bool = True, **kwargs) List[str]

get name of the dimensions of a cube in their correct order

  • cube_name

  • skip_sandbox_dimension


List : [dim1, dim2, dim3, etc.]

get_last_data_update(cube_name: str, **kwargs) str
get_measure_dimension(cube_name: str, **kwargs) str
get_model_cubes(**kwargs) List[Cube]

Get all Cubes without } prefix from TM1 Server as TM1py.Cube instances


List of TM1py.Cube instances

get_number_of_cubes(skip_control_cubes: bool = False, **kwargs) int

Ask TM1 Server for count of cubes


bool, True will exclude control cubes from count


int, count

get_random_intersection(cube_name: str, unique_names: bool = False) List[str]

Get a random Intersection in a cube used mostly for regression testing. Not optimized, in terms of performance. Function Loads ALL elements for EACH dim…

  • cube_name

  • unique_names – unique names instead of plain element names


List of elements

get_storage_dimension_order(cube_name: str, **kwargs) List[str]

Get the storage dimension order of a cube




List of dimension names

load(cube_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Load the cube into memory on the server




lock(cube_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Locks the cube to prevent any users from modifying it




search_for_dimension(dimension_name: str, skip_control_cubes: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str]

Ask TM1 Server for list of cube names that contain specific dimension

  • dimension_name – string, valid dimension name (case insensitive)

  • skip_control_cubes – bool, True will exclude control cubes from result

search_for_dimension_substring(substring: str, skip_control_cubes: bool = False, **kwargs) Dict[str, List[str]]

Ask TM1 Server for a dictinary of cube names with the dimension whose name contains the substring

  • substring – string to search for in dim name

  • skip_control_cubes – bool, True will exclude control cubes from result

search_for_rule_substring(substring: str, skip_control_cubes: bool = False, case_insensitive=True, space_insensitive=True, **kwargs) List[Cube]

get all cubes from TM1 Server as TM1py.Cube instances where rules for given cube contain specified substring

  • substring – string to search for in rules

  • skip_control_cubes – bool, True will exclude control cubes from result

  • case_insensitive – case agnostic search

  • space_insensitive – space agnostic search


List of TM1py.Cube instances

unload(cube_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Unload the cube from memory




unlock(cube_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Unlocks the cube to allow modifications




update(cube: Cube, **kwargs) Response

Update existing cube on TM1 Server


cube – instance of TM1py.Cube



update_or_create(cube: Cube, **kwargs) Response

update if exists else create




update_storage_dimension_order(cube_name: str, dimension_names: Iterable[str]) float

Update the storage dimension order of a cube

  • cube_name

  • dimension_names


Float: -23.076489699337078 (percent change in memory usage)

class TM1py.DimensionService(rest: RestService)

Service to handle Object Updates for TM1 Dimensions

create(dimension: Dimension, **kwargs) Response

Create a dimension


dimension – instance of TM1py.Dimension



create_element_attributes_through_ti(dimension: Dimension, **kwargs)

:param dimension. Instance of TM1py.Objects.Dimension class :return:

delete(dimension_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Delete a dimension


dimension_name – Name of the dimension


execute_mdx(dimension_name: str, mdx: str, **kwargs) List

Execute MDX against Dimension. Requires }ElementAttributes_ Cube of the dimension to exist !

  • dimension_name – Name of the Dimension

  • mdx – valid Dimension-MDX Statement


List of Element names

exists(dimension_name: str, **kwargs) bool

Check if dimension exists


get(dimension_name: str, **kwargs) Dimension

Get a Dimension




get_all_names(skip_control_dims: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str]

Ask TM1 Server for list of all dimension names


bool, True to skip control dims


List of Strings

get_number_of_dimensions(skip_control_dims: bool = False, **kwargs) int

Ask TM1 Server for number of dimensions


bool, True to exclude control dims from count


Number of dimensions

update(dimension: Dimension, keep_existing_attributes=False, **kwargs)

Update an existing dimension

  • dimension – instance of TM1py.Dimension

  • keep_existing_attributes – True to make sure existing attributes are not removed



update_or_create(dimension: Dimension, **kwargs)

update if exists else create




uses_alternate_hierarchies(dimension_name: str, **kwargs) bool
class TM1py.ElementService(rest: RestService)

Service to handle Object Updates for TM1 Dimension (resp. Hierarchy) Elements

add_edges(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str = None, edges: Dict[Tuple[str, str], int] = None, **kwargs) Response

Add Edges to hierarchy. Fails if one edge already exists.

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • edges


add_element_attributes(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element_attributes: List[ElementAttribute], **kwargs)

Add element attributes to hierarchy. Fails if one element attribute already exists.

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • element_attributes


add_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, elements: Iterable[Element], **kwargs)

Add elements to hierarchy. Fails if one element already exists.

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • elements


attribute_cube_exists(dimension_name: str, **kwargs) bool
create(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element: Element, **kwargs) Response
create_element_attribute(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element_attribute: ElementAttribute, **kwargs) Response

like AttrInsert

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • element_attribute – instance of TM1py.ElementAttribute


delete(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element_name: str, **kwargs) Response
delete_edges(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, edges: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] = None, use_ti: bool = False, **kwargs)
delete_edges_use_ti(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, edges: List[str] = None, **kwargs)
delete_element_attribute(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element_attribute: str, **kwargs) Response

like AttrDelete

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • element_attribute – instance of TM1py.ElementAttribute


delete_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element_names: List[str] = None, use_ti: bool = False, **kwargs)
delete_elements_use_ti(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element_names: List[str] = None, **kwargs)
element_is_ancestor(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, ancestor_name: str, element_name: str, method: str = None) bool

Element is Ancestor

:Note, unlike the related function in TM1 (ELISANC or ElementIsAncestor), this function will return False if an invalid element is passed; but will raise an exception if an invalid dimension, or hierarchy is passed

For method you can pass 3 three values value TI performs best, but requires admin permissions Value ‘TM1DrillDownMember’ performs well when element is a leaf. Value ‘Descendants’ performs well when ancestor_name and element_name are Consolidations.

If no value is passed, function defaults to ‘TI’ for user with admin permissions and ‘TM1DrillDownMember’ for users without admin permissions

element_is_parent(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, parent_name: str, element_name: str) bool

Element is Parent :Note, unlike the related function in TM1 (ELISPAR or ElementIsParent), this function will return False :if an invalid element is passed; :but will raise an exception if an invalid dimension, or hierarchy is passed

execute_set_mdx(mdx: str, top_records: int | None = None, member_properties: Iterable[str] | None = ('Name', 'Weight'), parent_properties: Iterable[str] | None = ('Name', 'UniqueName'), element_properties: Iterable[str] | None = ('Type', 'Level'), **kwargs) List

:method to execute an MDX statement against a dimension :param mdx: valid dimension mdx statement :param top_records: number of records to return, default: all elements no limit :param member_properties: list of member properties (e.g., Name, UniqueName, Type, Weight, Attributes/Color) to return, will always return the Name property :param parent_properties: list of parent properties (e.g., Name, UniqueName, Type, Weight, Attributes/Color)

to return, can be None or empty


element_properties – list of element properties (e.g., Name, UniqueName, Type, Level, Index,

Attributes/Color) to return, can be empty :return: dictionary of members, unique names, weights, types, and parents

exists(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element_name: str, **kwargs) bool
get(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element_name: str, **kwargs) Element
get_alias_element_attributes(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) List[str]
  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name


get_all_element_identifiers(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveSet

Get all element names and alias values in a hierarchy

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name


get_all_leaf_element_identifiers(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveSet

Get all element names and alias values for leaf elements in a hierarchy

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name


get_attribute_of_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, attribute: str, elements: str | List[str] = None, exclude_empty_cells: bool = True, element_unique_names: bool = False) dict

Get element name and attribute value for a set of elements in a hierarchy

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • attribute – Name of the Attribute

  • elements – MDX (Set) expression or iterable of elements

  • exclude_empty_cells – Boolean

  • element_unique_names – Boolean


Dict {‘01’:’Jan’, ‘02’:’Feb’}

get_consolidated_element_names(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) List[str]
get_consolidated_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) List[Element]
get_edges(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) Dict[Tuple[str, str], int]
get_edges_under_consolidation(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, consolidation: str, max_depth: int = None, **kwargs) List[str]

Get all members under a consolidated element

  • dimension_name – name of dimension

  • hierarchy_name – name of hierarchy

  • consolidation – name of consolidated Element

  • max_depth – 99 if not passed


get_element_attribute_names(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) List[str]

Get element attributes from hierarchy

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name


get_element_attributes(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) List[ElementAttribute]

Get element attributes from hierarchy

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name


get_element_identifiers(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, elements: str | List[str], **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveSet

Get all element names and alias values for a set of elements in a hierarchy

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • elements – MDX (Set) expression or iterable of elements


get_element_names(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) List[str]

Get all element names

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name


Generator of element-names

get_element_principal_name(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element_name: str, **kwargs) str
get_element_types(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, skip_consolidations: bool = False, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveDict
get_element_types_from_all_hierarchies(dimension_name: str, skip_consolidations: bool = False, **kwargs) CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveDict
get_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) List[Element]
get_elements_by_level(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, level: int, **kwargs) List[str]

Get all element names by level in a hierarchy

  • dimension_name – Name of the dimension

  • hierarchy_name – Name of the hierarchy

  • level – Level to filter


List of element names

get_elements_dataframe(dimension_name: str = None, hierarchy_name: str = None, elements: str | Iterable[str] = None, skip_consolidations: bool = True, attributes: Iterable[str] = None, attribute_column_prefix: str = '', skip_parents: bool = False, level_names: List[str] = None, parent_attribute: str = None, skip_weights: bool = False, use_blob: bool = False, allow_empty_alias: bool = True, **kwargs) DataFrame
  • dimension_name – Name of the dimension. Can be derived from elements MDX

  • hierarchy_name – Name of the hierarchy in the dimension.Can be derived from elements MDX

  • elements – Selection of members. Iterable or valid MDX string

  • skip_consolidations – Boolean flag to skip consolidations

  • attributes – Selection of attributes. Iterable. If None retrieve all.

  • attribute_column_prefix – string to prefix attribute colums to avoid name conflicts

  • level_names – List of labels for parent columns. If None use level names from TM1.

  • skip_parents – Boolean Flag to skip parent columns.

  • parent_attribute – Attribute to be displayed in parent columns. If None, parent name is used.

  • skip_weights – include weight columns

  • use_blob – Up to 40% better performance and lower memory footprint in any case. Requires admin permissions

  • allow_empty_alias – False if empty alias values should be substituted with element names instead


pandas DataFrame

get_elements_filtered_by_attribute(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, attribute_name: str, attribute_value: str | float, **kwargs) List[str]

Get all elements from a hierarchy with given attribute value

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • attribute_name

  • attribute_value


List of element names

get_elements_filtered_by_wildcard(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, wildcard: str, level: int = None, **kwargs) List[str]

Get all element names filtered by wildcard (CaseAndSpaceInsensitive) and level in a hierarchy

  • dimension_name – Name of the dimension

  • hierarchy_name – Name of the hierarchy

  • wildcard – wildcard to filter

  • level – Level to filter


List of element names

get_leaf_element_names(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) List[str]
get_leaf_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) List[Element]
get_leaves_under_consolidation(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, consolidation: str, max_depth: int = None, **kwargs) List[str]

Get all leaves under a consolidated element

  • dimension_name – name of dimension

  • hierarchy_name – name of hierarchy

  • consolidation – name of consolidated Element

  • max_depth – 99 if not passed


get_level_names(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, descending: bool = True, **kwargs) List[str]
get_levels_count(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) int
get_members_under_consolidation(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, consolidation: str, max_depth: int = None, leaves_only: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str]

Get all members under a consolidated element

  • dimension_name – name of dimension

  • hierarchy_name – name of hierarchy

  • consolidation – name of consolidated Element

  • max_depth – 99 if not passed

  • leaves_only – Only Leaf Elements or all Elements


get_number_of_consolidated_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) int
get_number_of_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) int
get_number_of_leaf_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) int
get_number_of_numeric_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) int
get_number_of_string_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) int
get_numeric_element_names(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) List[str]
get_numeric_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) List[Element]
get_parents(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element_name: str, **kwargs) List[str]
get_parents_of_all_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) Dict[str, List[str]]
get_string_element_names(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) List[str]
get_string_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) List[Element]
hierarchy_exists(dimension_name, hierarchy_name)
remove_edge(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, parent: str, component: str, **kwargs) Response

Remove one edge from hierarchy. Fails if parent or child element doesn’t exist.

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • parent

  • component


update(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element: Element, **kwargs) Response
update_or_create(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element: Element, **kwargs) Response
class TM1py.FileService(tm1_rest: <module 'TM1py.Services.RestService' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>)
create(file_name: str, file_content: bytes, **kwargs)
delete(file_name: str, **kwargs)
exists(file_name: str, **kwargs)
get(file_name: str, **kwargs) bytes
get_names(**kwargs) bytes
update(file_name: str, file_content: bytes, **kwargs)
update_or_create(file_name: str, file_content: bytes, **kwargs)
class TM1py.GitService(rest: RestService)

Service to interact with GIT

COMMON_PARAMETERS = {'author': 'Author', 'branch': 'Branch', 'config': 'Config', 'email': 'Email', 'force': 'Force', 'message': 'Message', 'new_branch': 'NewBranch', 'passphrase': 'Passphrase', 'password': 'Password', 'private_key': 'PrivateKey', 'public_key': 'PublicKey', 'username': 'Username'}
git_execute_plan(plan_id: str, **kwargs) Response

Executes a plan based on the planid :param plan_id: GitPlan id

git_get_plans(**kwargs) List[GitPlan]

Gets a list of currently available GIT plans

git_init(git_url: str, deployment: str, username: str = None, password: str = None, public_key: str = None, private_key: str = None, passphrase: str = None, force: bool = None, config: dict = None, **kwargs) Git

Initialize GIT service, returns Git object :param git_url: file or http(s) path to GIT repository :param deployment: name of selected deployment group :param username: GIT username :param password: GIT password :param public_key: SSH public key, available from PAA V2.0.9.4 :param private_key: SSH private key, available from PAA V2.0.9.4 :param passphrase: Passphrase for decrypting private key, if set :param force: reset git context on True :param config: Dictionary containing git configuration parameters

git_pull(branch: str, force: bool = None, execute: bool = None, username: str = None, password: str = None, public_key: str = None, private_key: str = None, passphrase: str = None, **kwargs) Response

Creates a gitpull plan, returns response :param branch: The name of source branch :param force: A flag passed in for evaluating preconditions :param execute: Executes the plan right away if True :param username: GIT username :param password: GIT password :param public_key: SSH public key, available from PAA V2.0.9.4 :param private_key: SSH private key, available from PAA V2.0.9.4 :param passphrase: Passphrase for decrypting private key, if set

git_push(message: str, author: str, email: str, branch: str = None, new_branch: str = None, force: bool = False, username: str = None, password: str = None, public_key: str = None, private_key: str = None, passphrase: str = None, execute: bool = None, **kwargs) Response

Creates a gitpush plan, returns response :param message: Commit message :param author: Name of commit author :param email: Email of commit author :param branch: The branch which last commit will be used as parent commit for new branch. Must be empty if GIT repo is empty :param new_branch: If specified, creates a new branch and pushes the commit onto it. If not specified, pushes to the branch specified in “Branch” :param force: A flag passed in for evaluating preconditions :param username: GIT username :param password: GIT password :param public_key: SSH public key, available from PAA V2.0.9.4 :param private_key: SSH private key, available from PAA V2.0.9.4 :param passphrase: Passphrase for decrypting private key, if set :param execute: Executes the plan right away if True

git_status(username: str = None, password: str = None, public_key: str = None, private_key: str = None, passphrase: str = None, **kwargs) Git

Get GIT status, returns Git object :param username: GIT username :param password: GIT password :param public_key: SSH public key, available from PAA V2.0.9.4 :param private_key: SSH private key, available from PAA V2.0.9.4 :param passphrase: Passphrase for decrypting private key, if set

git_uninit(force: bool = False, **kwargs)

Unitialize GIT service


force – clean up git context when True

tm1project_get() TM1Project


tm1project_put(tm1_project: TM1Project) TM1Project
class TM1py.HierarchyService(rest: RestService)

Service to handle Object Updates for TM1 Hierarchies

EDGES_WORKAROUND_VERSIONS = ('11.0.002', '11.0.003', '11.1.000')
add_edges(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str = None, edges: Dict[Tuple[str, str], int] = None, **kwargs) Response

Add Edges to hierarchy. Fails if one edge already exists.

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • edges


add_element_attributes(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, element_attributes: List[ElementAttribute], **kwargs)

Add element attributes to hierarchy. Fails if one element attribute already exists.

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • element_attributes


add_elements(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, elements: List[Element], **kwargs)

Add elements to hierarchy. Fails if one element already exists.

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • elements


create(hierarchy: Hierarchy, **kwargs)

Create a hierarchy in an existing dimension




delete(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) Response
exists(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) bool
  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name


get(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) Hierarchy

get hierarchy

  • dimension_name – name of the dimension

  • hierarchy_name – name of the hierarchy


get_all_names(dimension_name: str, **kwargs) List[str]

get all names of existing Hierarchies in a dimension




get_default_member(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str = None, **kwargs) str | None

Get the defined default_member for a Hierarchy. Will return the element with index 1, if default member is not specified explicitly in }HierarchyProperty Cube

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name


String, name of Member

get_hierarchy_summary(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs) Dict[str, int]
is_balanced(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, **kwargs)

Check if hierarchy is balanced

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name


remove_all_edges(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str = None, **kwargs) Response
remove_edges_under_consolidation(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, consolidation_element: str, **kwargs) List[Response]
  • dimension_name – Name of the dimension

  • hierarchy_name – Name of the hierarchy

  • consolidation_element – Name of the Consolidated element



update(hierarchy: Hierarchy, keep_existing_attributes=False, **kwargs) List[Response]

update a hierarchy. It’s a two step process: 1. Update Hierarchy 2. Update Element-Attributes

Function caters for Bug with Edge Creation:

  • hierarchy – instance of TM1py.Hierarchy

  • keep_existing_attributes – True to make sure existing attributes are not removed


list of responses

update_default_member(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str = None, member_name: str = '', **kwargs) Response

Update the default member of a hierarchy.

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • member_name


update_element_attributes(hierarchy: Hierarchy, keep_existing_attributes=False, **kwargs)

Update the elementattributes of a hierarchy

  • hierarchy – Instance of TM1py.Hierarchy

  • keep_existing_attributes – True to make sure existing attributes are not removed


update_or_create(hierarchy: Hierarchy, **kwargs)

update if exists else create




update_or_create_hierarchy_from_dataframe(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, df: DataFrame, element_column: str = None, verify_unique_elements: bool = False, verify_edges: bool = True, element_type_column: str = 'ElementType', unwind: bool = False)

Update or Create a hierarchy based on a dataframe, while never deleting existing elements.

  • dimension_name – Name of the dimension

  • hierarchy_name – Name of the hierarchy

  • df

    pd.DataFrame the data frame. Example: | | Region | ElementType | Alias:a | Currency:s | population:n | level001 | level000 | level001_weight | level000_weight | |---:|:——–|:------------|:————|:-----------|————-:|:---------|:———|----------------:|—————-:| | 0 | France | Numeric | Frankreich | EUR | 60000000 | Europe | World | 1 | 1 | | 1 | Belgium | Numeric | Schweiz | CHF | 9000000 | Europe | World | 1 | 1 | | 2 | Germany | Numeric | Deutschland | EUR | 84000000 | Europe | World | 1 | 1 |

    Names for the parent columns (level001, level000) are not configurable and level000 is the top node. All columns except for the element_column, element_type_colums and parent columns are attribute columns. On attribute columns, you specify the type as a suffix. If no type is provided string attributes are created

  • element_type_column – str The column name in the df which specifies which element is which type. If None, all will be considered N level.

  • element_column – str The column name of the element ID. If None, assumes first column is the element ID.

  • verify_unique_elements – Abort early if element names are not unique

  • verify_edges – Abort early if edges have circular reference

  • unwind – bool Unwind hierarch before creating new edges


class TM1py.MonitoringService(rest: RestService)

Service to Query and Cancel Threads in TM1

cancel_all_running_threads(**kwargs) list
cancel_thread(thread_id: int, **kwargs) Response

Kill a running thread




close_all_sessions(**kwargs) list
close_session(session_id, **kwargs) Response
disconnect_all_users(**kwargs) list
disconnect_user(user_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Disconnect User




get_active_session_threads(exclude_idle: bool = True, **kwargs)

Return a list of non-idle threads from the TM1 Server


list: TM1 threads as dict

get_active_users(**kwargs) List[User]

Get the activate users in TM1


List of TM1py.User instances

get_sessions(include_user: bool = True, include_threads: bool = True, **kwargs) List
get_threads(**kwargs) List

Return a dict of the currently running threads from the TM1 Server


dict: the response

user_is_active(user_name: str, **kwargs) bool

Check if user is currently active in TM1





class TM1py.PowerBiService(tm1_rest)
execute_mdx(mdx, **kwargs) DataFrame
execute_view(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool, use_iterative_json=False, use_blob=False, **kwargs) DataFrame
get_member_properties(dimension_name: str = None, hierarchy_name: str = None, member_selection: Iterable = None, skip_consolidations: bool = True, attributes: Iterable = None, skip_parents: bool = False, level_names=None, parent_attribute: str = None, skip_weights=True, use_blob=False, **kwargs) DataFrame
  • dimension_name – Name of the dimension

  • hierarchy_name – Name of the hierarchy in the dimension

  • member_selection – Selection of members. Iterable or valid MDX string

  • skip_consolidations – Boolean flag to skip consolidations

  • attributes – Selection of attributes. Iterable. If None retrieve all.

  • level_names – List of labels for parent columns. If None use level names from TM1.

  • skip_parents – Boolean Flag to skip parent columns.

  • parent_attribute – Attribute to be displayed in parent columns. If None, parent name is used.

  • skip_weights – include weight columns

  • use_blob – Better performance on large sets and lower memory footprint in any case. Requires admin permissions


pandas DataFrame

class TM1py.ProcessService(rest: RestService)

Service to handle Object Updates for TI Processes

compile(name: str, **kwargs) List

Compile a Process. Return List of Syntax errors.




compile_process(process: Process, **kwargs) List

Compile a Process. Return List of Syntax errors.




create(process: Process, **kwargs) Response

Create a new process on TM1 Server


process – Instance of TM1py.Process class



debug_add_breakpoint(debug_id: str, break_point: ProcessDebugBreakpoint, **kwargs) Response
debug_add_breakpoints(debug_id: str, break_points: Iterable[ProcessDebugBreakpoint] = None, **kwargs) Response
debug_continue(debug_id: str, **kwargs) Dict

Resumes execution until next breakpoint

debug_get_breakpoints(debug_id: str, **kwargs) List[ProcessDebugBreakpoint]
debug_get_current_breakpoint(debug_id: str, **kwargs) ProcessDebugBreakpoint
debug_get_process_line_number(debug_id: str, **kwargs) str
debug_get_process_procedure(debug_id: str, **kwargs) str
debug_get_record_number(debug_id: str, **kwargs) str
debug_get_single_variable_value(debug_id: str, variable_name: str, **kwargs) str
debug_get_variable_values(debug_id: str, **kwargs) CaseInsensitiveDict
debug_process(process_name: str, timeout: float = None, **kwargs) Dict

Start debug session for specified process; debug session id is returned in response

debug_remove_breakpoint(debug_id: str, breakpoint_id: int, **kwargs) Response
debug_step_in(debug_id: str, **kwargs) Dict

Runs a single statement in the process If ExecuteProcess is next function, will pause at first statement inside child process

debug_step_out(debug_id: str, **kwargs) Dict

Resumes execution and runs until current process has finished.

debug_step_over(debug_id: str, **kwargs) Dict

Runs a single statement in the process If ExecuteProcess is next function, will NOT debug child process

debug_update_breakpoint(debug_id: str, break_point: ProcessDebugBreakpoint, **kwargs) Response
delete(name: str, **kwargs) Response

Delete a process in TM1





evaluate_boolean_ti_expression(formula: str)
evaluate_ti_expression(formula: str, **kwargs) str
This function is same functionality as hitting “Evaluate” within variable formula editor in TI

Function creates temporary TI and then starts a debug session on that TI EnableTIDebugging=T must be present in .cfg file Only suited for DEV and one-off uses, don’t incorporate into dataframe lambda function


formula – a valid tm1 variable formula (no double quotes, no equals sign, semicolon optional) e.g. “8*2;”, “CellGetN(‘c1’, ‘e1’, ‘e2);”, “ATTRS(‘Region’, ‘France’, ‘Currency’)”


string result from formula

execute(process_name: str, parameters: Dict = None, timeout: float = None, cancel_at_timeout: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

Ask TM1 Server to execute a process. Call with parameter names as keyword arguments: tm1.processes.execute(“Bedrock.Server.Wait”, pLegalEntity=”UK01”)

  • process_name

  • parameters – Deprecated! dictionary, e.g. {“Parameters”: [ { “Name”: “pLegalEntity”, “Value”: “UK01” }] }

  • timeout – Number of seconds that the client will wait to receive the first byte.

  • cancel_at_timeout – Abort operation in TM1 when timeout is reached


execute_process_with_return(process: Process, timeout: float = None, cancel_at_timeout: bool = False, **kwargs) Tuple[bool, str, str]

Run unbound TI code directly.

  • process – a TI Process Object

  • timeout – Number of seconds that the client will wait to receive the first byte.

  • cancel_at_timeout – Abort operation in TM1 when timeout is reached

  • kwargs – dictionary of process parameters and values


success (boolean), status (String), error_log_file (String)

execute_ti_code(lines_prolog: Iterable[str], lines_epilog: Iterable[str] = None, **kwargs) Response

Execute lines of code on the TM1 Server

  • lines_prolog – list - where each element is a valid statement of TI code.

  • lines_epilog – list - where each element is a valid statement of TI code.

execute_with_return(process_name: str = None, timeout: float = None, cancel_at_timeout: bool = False, return_async_id: bool = False, **kwargs) Tuple[bool, str, str]

Ask TM1 Server to execute a process. pass process parameters as keyword arguments to this function. E.g:


process_name=”Bedrock.Server.Wait”, pWaitSec=2)

  • process_name – name of the TI process

  • timeout – Number of seconds that the client will wait to receive the first byte.

  • cancel_at_timeout – Abort operation in TM1 when timeout is reached

  • return_async_id – return async_id instead of (success, status, error_log_file)

  • kwargs – dictionary of process parameters and values


success (boolean), status (String), error_log_file (String)

exists(name: str, **kwargs) bool

Check if Process exists.




get(name_process: str, **kwargs) Process

Get a process from TM1 Server




Instance of the TM1py.Process

get_all(skip_control_processes: bool = False, **kwargs) List[Process]

Get a processes from TM1 Server


skip_control_processes – bool, True to exclude processes that begin with “}” or “{”


List, instances of the TM1py.Process

get_all_names(skip_control_processes: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str]

Get List with all process names from TM1 Server


skip_control_processes – bool, True to exclude processes that begin with “}” or “{”


List of Strings

get_error_log_file_content(file_name: str, **kwargs) str

Get content of error log file (e.g. TM1ProcessError_20180926213819_65708356_979b248b-232e622c6.log)


file_name – name of the error log file in the TM1 log directory


String, content of the file

get_error_log_filenames(process_name: str = None, top: int = 0, descending: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str]

Get error log filenames for specified TI process

  • process_name – valid TI name, leave blank to return all error log filenames

  • top – top n filenames

  • descending – default sort is ascending, descending=True would have most recent at the top of list


list of filenames

get_last_message_from_processerrorlog(process_name: str, **kwargs) str

Get the latest ProcessErrorLog from a process entity


process_name – name of the process


String - the errorlog, e.g.: “Error: Data procedure line (9): Invalid key:

Dimension Name: “Product”, Element Name (Key): “ProductA””

get_processerrorlogs(process_name: str, **kwargs) List

Get all ProcessErrorLog entries for a process


process_name – name of the process


list - Collection of ProcessErrorLogs

poll_execute_with_return(async_id: str)
search_error_log_filenames(search_string: str, top: int = 0, descending: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str]

Search error log filenames for given search string like a datestamp e.g. 20231201

  • search_string – substring to contain in file names

  • top – top n filenames

  • descending – default sort is ascending, descending=True would have most recent at the top of list


list of filenames

search_string_in_code(search_string: str, skip_control_processes: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str]

Ask TM1 Server for list of process names that contain string anywhere in code tabs: Prolog,Metadata,Data,Epilog will not search DataSource, Parameters, Variables, or Attributes

  • search_string – case insensitive string to search for

  • skip_control_processes – bool, True to exclude processes that begin with “}” or “{”


List of strings

search_string_in_name(name_startswith: str = None, name_contains: Iterable = None, name_contains_operator: str = 'and', skip_control_processes: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str]

Ask TM1 Server for list of process names that contain or start with string

  • name_startswith – str, process name begins with (case insensitive)

  • name_contains – iterable, found anywhere in name (case insensitive)

  • name_contains_operator – ‘and’ or ‘or’

  • skip_control_processes – bool, True to exclude processes that begin with “}” or “{”

update(process: Process, **kwargs) Response

Update an existing Process on TM1 Server


process – Instance of TM1py.Process class



update_or_create(process: Process, **kwargs) Response

Update or Create a Process on TM1 Server


process – Instance of TM1py.Process class



class TM1py.RestService(**kwargs)

Low level communication with TM1 instance through HTTP. Allows to execute HTTP Methods

  • GET

  • POST



Takes Care of
  • Encodings

  • TM1 User-Login

  • HTTP Headers

  • HTTP Session Management

  • Response Handling

Based on requests module

DELETE(url: str, data: str | bytes = '', headers: Dict = None, async_requests_mode: bool = None, return_async_id: bool = False, timeout: float = None, cancel_at_timeout: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', **kwargs)

Perform a GET request against TM1 instance :param url: :param data: the payload :param headers: custom headers :param async_requests_mode changes internal REST execution mode to avoid 60s timeout on IBM cloud :param return_async_id: If True function will return async_id after initiation and not await the execution :param timeout: Number of seconds that the client will wait to receive the first byte. :param cancel_at_timeout: Abort operation in TM1 when timeout is reached :param encoding: :return: response object or async_id

GET(url: str, data: str | bytes = '', headers: Dict = None, async_requests_mode: bool = None, return_async_id: bool = False, timeout: float = None, cancel_at_timeout: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', **kwargs)

Perform a GET request against TM1 instance :param url: :param data: the payload :param headers: custom headers :param async_requests_mode changes internal REST execution mode to avoid 60s timeout on IBM cloud :param return_async_id: If True function will return async_id after initiation and not await the execution :param timeout: Number of seconds that the client will wait to receive the first byte. :param cancel_at_timeout: Abort operation in TM1 when timeout is reached :param encoding: :return: response object or async_id

HEADERS = {'Accept': 'application/json;odata.metadata=none,text/plain', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; odata.streaming=true; charset=utf-8', 'TM1-SessionContext': 'TM1py', 'User-Agent': 'TM1py'}
PATCH(url: str, data: str | bytes = '', headers: Dict = None, async_requests_mode: bool = None, return_async_id: bool = False, timeout: float = None, cancel_at_timeout: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', **kwargs)

Perform a GET request against TM1 instance :param url: :param data: the payload :param headers: custom headers :param async_requests_mode changes internal REST execution mode to avoid 60s timeout on IBM cloud :param return_async_id: If True function will return async_id after initiation and not await the execution :param timeout: Number of seconds that the client will wait to receive the first byte. :param cancel_at_timeout: Abort operation in TM1 when timeout is reached :param encoding: :return: response object or async_id

POST(url: str, data: str | bytes = '', headers: Dict = None, async_requests_mode: bool = None, return_async_id: bool = False, timeout: float = None, cancel_at_timeout: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', **kwargs)

Perform a GET request against TM1 instance :param url: :param data: the payload :param headers: custom headers :param async_requests_mode changes internal REST execution mode to avoid 60s timeout on IBM cloud :param return_async_id: If True function will return async_id after initiation and not await the execution :param timeout: Number of seconds that the client will wait to receive the first byte. :param cancel_at_timeout: Abort operation in TM1 when timeout is reached :param encoding: :return: response object or async_id

PUT(url: str, data: str | bytes = '', headers: Dict = None, async_requests_mode: bool = None, return_async_id: bool = False, timeout: float = None, cancel_at_timeout: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', **kwargs)

Perform a GET request against TM1 instance :param url: :param data: the payload :param headers: custom headers :param async_requests_mode changes internal REST execution mode to avoid 60s timeout on IBM cloud :param return_async_id: If True function will return async_id after initiation and not await the execution :param timeout: Number of seconds that the client will wait to receive the first byte. :param cancel_at_timeout: Abort operation in TM1 when timeout is reached :param encoding: :return: response object or async_id

add_compact_json_header() str
add_http_header(key: str, value: str)
static b64_decode_password(encrypted_password: str) str

b64 decoding :param encrypted_password: encrypted password with b64 :return: password in plain text

static build_response_from_binary_response(data: bytes) Response
cancel_async_operation(async_id: str, **kwargs)
static disable_http_warnings()
get_api_metadata() dict

Get API Metadata



get_http_header(key: str) str
handle_logging(logging: str | bool)
property is_admin: bool
is_connected() bool

Check if Connection to TM1 Server is established. :Returns:


property is_data_admin: bool
property is_ops_admin: bool
property is_security_admin: bool
logout(timeout: float = None, **kwargs)

End TM1 Session and HTTP session

remove_http_header(key: str)
request(method: str, url: str, data: str = '', encoding='utf-8', async_requests_mode: bool | None = None, return_async_id=False, timeout: float = None, cancel_at_timeout: bool = False, **kwargs)
retrieve_async_response(async_id: str, **kwargs) Response
property sandboxing_disabled
property session_id: str
static translate_to_boolean(value) bool

Takes a boolean or string (eg. true, True, FALSE, etc.) value and returns (boolean) True or False :param value: True, ‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘False’ … :return:

static urllib3_response_from_bytes(data: bytes) HTTPResponse

Build urllib3.HTTPResponse based on raw bytes string

static verify_response(response: Response)

check if Status Code is OK :Parameters:

response: String

the response that is returned from a method call


TM1pyException, raises TM1pyException when Code is not 200, 204 etc.

property version: str
static wait_time_generator(timeout: int)
class TM1py.SandboxService(rest: RestService)

Service to handle sandboxes in TM1

create(sandbox: Sandbox, **kwargs) Response

create a new sandbox in TM1 Server


sandbox – Sandbox



delete(sandbox_name: str, **kwargs) Response

delete a sandbox in TM1





exists(sandbox_name: str, **kwargs) bool

check if the sandbox exists in TM1


sandbox_name – String



get(sandbox_name: str, **kwargs) Sandbox

get a sandbox from TM1 Server


sandbox_name – str


instance of TM1py.Sandbox

get_all(**kwargs) List[Sandbox]

get all sandboxes from TM1 Server


List of TM1py.Sandbox instances

get_all_names(**kwargs) List[str]

get all sandbox names




load(sandbox_name: str, **kwargs) Response

load sandbox into memory


sandbox_name – str



merge(source_sandbox_name: str, target_sandbox_name: str, clean_after: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

merge one sandbox into another

  • source_sandbox_name – str

  • target_sandbox_name – str

  • clean_after – bool: Reset source sandbox after merging



publish(sandbox_name: str, **kwargs) Response

publish existing sandbox to base


sandbox_name – str



reset(sandbox_name: str, **kwargs) Response

reset all changes in specified sandbox


sandbox_name – str



unload(sandbox_name: str, **kwargs) Response

unload sandbox from memory


sandbox_name – str



update(sandbox: Sandbox, **kwargs) Response

update a sandbox in TM1





class TM1py.SecurityService(rest: RestService)

Service to handle Security stuff

add_user_to_groups(user_name: str, groups: Iterable[str], **kwargs) Response
  • user_name – name of user

  • groups – iterable of groups



create_group(group_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Create a Security group in the TM1 Server




create_user(user: User, **kwargs) Response

Create a user on TM1 Server


user – instance of TM1py.User



delete_group(group_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Delete a group in the TM1 Server




delete_user(user_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Delete user on TM1 Server





determine_actual_group_name(group_name: str, **kwargs) str
determine_actual_user_name(user_name: str, **kwargs) str
get_all_groups(**kwargs) List[str]

Get all groups from TM1 Server


List of strings


Get all user names from TM1 Server


List of TM1py.User instances


Get all users from TM1 Server


List of TM1py.User instances

get_current_user(**kwargs) User

Get user and group assignments of this session


instance of TM1py.User

get_custom_security_groups(**kwargs) List[str]
get_groups(user_name: str, **kwargs) List[str]

Get the groups of a user in TM1 Server




List of strings

get_read_only_users(**kwargs) List[str]
get_user(user_name: str, **kwargs) User

Get user from TM1 Server




instance of TM1py.User

get_user_names_from_group(group_name: str, **kwargs) List[str]

Get all users from group




List of strings

get_users_from_group(group_name: str, **kwargs)

Get all users from group




List of TM1py.User instances

group_exists(group_name: str, **kwargs) bool
remove_user_from_group(group_name: str, user_name: str, **kwargs) Response

Remove user from group in TM1 Server

  • group_name

  • user_name



security_refresh(**kwargs) Response
update_user(user: User, **kwargs) Response

Update user on TM1 Server


user – instance of TM1py.User



update_user_password(user_name: str, password: str, **kwargs) Response
user_exists(user_name: str, **kwargs) bool
class TM1py.ServerService(rest: RestService)

Service to query common information from the TM1 Server

delete_persistent_feeders(**kwargs) Response
execute_audit_log_delta_request(**kwargs) Dict
execute_message_log_delta_request(**kwargs) Dict
execute_transaction_log_delta_request(**kwargs) Dict
get_active_configuration(**kwargs) Dict

Read effective(!) TM1 config settings as dictionary from TM1 Server


config as dictionary

get_admin_host(**kwargs) str

Get tm1 message log levels :param logger: :param level: :return:


Read effective(!) TM1 config settings as dictionary from TM1 Server


config as dictionary

get_audit_log_entries(user: str = None, object_type: str = None, object_name: str = None, since: datetime = None, until: datetime = None, top: int = None, **kwargs) Dict
  • user – UserName

  • object_type – ObjectType

  • object_name – ObjectName

  • since – of type datetime. If it doesn’t have tz information, UTC is assumed.

  • until – of type datetime. If it doesn’t have tz information, UTC is assumed.

  • top – int


get_configuration(**kwargs) Dict
get_data_directory(**kwargs) str
get_last_process_message_from_message_log(process_name: str, **kwargs) str | None

Get the latest message log entry for a process


process_name – name of the process


String - the message, for instance: “Ausführung normal beendet, verstrichene Zeit 0.03 Sekunden”

get_message_log_entries(reverse: bool = True, since: datetime = None, until: datetime = None, top: int = None, logger: str = None, level: str = None, msg_contains: Iterable = None, msg_contains_operator: str = 'and', **kwargs) Dict
  • reverse – Boolean

  • since – of type datetime. If it doesn’t have tz information, UTC is assumed.

  • until – of type datetime. If it doesn’t have tz information, UTC is assumed.

  • top – Integer

  • logger – string, eg TM1.Server, TM1.Chore, TM1.Mdx.Interface, TM1.Process

  • level – string, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, UNKNOWN

  • msg_contains – iterable, find substring in log message; list of substrings will be queried as AND statement

  • msg_contains_operator – ‘and’ or ‘or’

  • kwargs


Dict of server log

get_product_version(**kwargs) str

Ask TM1 Server for its version


String, the version

get_server_name(**kwargs) str

Ask TM1 Server for its name


String, the server name

get_static_configuration(**kwargs) Dict
get_transaction_log_entries(reverse: bool = True, user: str = None, cube: str = None, since: datetime = None, until: datetime = None, top: int = None, element_tuple_filter: Dict[str, str] = None, element_position_filter: Dict[int, Dict[str, str]] = None, **kwargs) Dict
  • reverse – Boolean

  • user – UserName

  • cube – CubeName

  • since – of type datetime. If it doesn’t have tz information, UTC is assumed.

  • until – of type datetime. If it doesn’t have tz information, UTC is assumed.

  • top – int

  • element_tuple_filter – of type dict. Element name as key and comparison operator as value

  • element_position_filter – not yet implemented

tuple={‘Actual’:’eq’,’2020’: ‘ge’} :return:

initialize_audit_log_delta_requests(filter=None, **kwargs)
initialize_message_log_delta_requests(filter=None, **kwargs)
initialize_transaction_log_delta_requests(filter=None, **kwargs)
save_data(**kwargs) Response
update_message_logger_level(logger, level)

Updates tm1 message log levels :param logger: :param level: :return:

update_static_configuration(configuration: Dict) Response

Update the .cfg file and triggers TM1 to re-read the file.





static utc_localize_time(timestamp)
write_to_message_log(level: str, message: str, **kwargs) None
  • level – string, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG

  • message – string


class TM1py.SubsetService(rest: RestService)

Service to handle Object Updates for TM1 Subsets (dynamic and static)

create(subset: Subset, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

create subset on the TM1 Server

  • subset – TM1py.Subset, the subset that shall be created

  • private – boolean


string: the response

delete(subset_name: str, dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str = None, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

Delete an existing subset on the TM1 Server

  • subset_name – String, name of the subset

  • dimension_name – String, name of the dimension

  • hierarchy_name – String, name of the hierarchy

  • private – Boolean


delete_elements_from_static_subset(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, subset_name: str, private: bool, **kwargs) Response
exists(subset_name: str, dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str = None, private: bool = False, **kwargs) bool

checks if private or public subset exists

  • subset_name

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • private



get(subset_name: str, dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str = None, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Subset

get a subset from the TM1 Server

  • subset_name – string, name of the subset

  • dimension_name – string, name of the dimension

  • hierarchy_name – string, name of the hierarchy

  • private – Boolean


instance of TM1py.Subset

get_all_names(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str = None, private: bool = False, **kwargs) List[str]

get names of all private or public subsets in a hierarchy

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • private – Boolean


List of Strings

get_element_names(dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str, subset_name: str, private: bool = False, **kwargs)

Get elements from existing (dynamic or static) subset

  • dimension_name

  • hierarchy_name

  • subset_name

  • private

  • kwargs


make_static(subset_name: str, dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str = None, private: bool = False) Response

convert a dynamic subset into static subset on the TM1 Server :param subset_name: String, name of the subset :param dimension_name: String, name of the dimension :param hierarchy_name: String, name of the hierarchy :param private: Boolean :return: response

update(subset: Subset, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

update a subset on the TM1 Server

  • subset – instance of TM1py.Subset.

  • private – Boolean



update_or_create(subset: Subset, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

update if exists else create

  • subset

  • private


class TM1py.TM1Service(**kwargs)

All features of TM1py are exposed through this service

Can be saved and restored from File, to avoid multiple authentication with TM1.

property connection
property metadata
classmethod restore_from_file(file_name)
property version
property whoami
class TM1py.ViewService(rest: RestService)

Service to handle Object Updates for cube views (NativeViews and MDXViews)

create(view: MDXView | NativeView, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

create a new view on TM1 Server

  • view – instance of subclass of TM1py.View (TM1py.NativeView or TM1py.MDXView)

  • private – boolean



delete(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

Delete an existing view (MDXView or NativeView) on the TM1 Server

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the view

  • private – Boolean


String, the response

exists(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = None, **kwargs)

Checks if view exists as private, public or both

  • cube_name – string, name of the cube

  • view_name – string, name of the view

  • private – boolean, if None: check for private and public

:return boolean tuple

get(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, **kwargs) View
get_all(cube_name: str, include_elements: bool = True, **kwargs) Tuple[List[View], List[View]]

Get all public and private views from cube. :param cube_name: String, name of the cube. :param include_elements: false to return view details without elements, faster :return: 2 Lists of TM1py.View instances: private views, public views

get_all_names(cube_name: str, **kwargs) Tuple[List[str], List[str]]



get_mdx_view(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private: bool = False, **kwargs) MDXView

Get an MDXView from TM1 Server

  • cube_name – String, name of the cube

  • view_name – String, name of the MDX view

  • private – boolean


instance of TM1py.MDXView

get_native_view(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private=False, **kwargs) NativeView

Get a NativeView from TM1 Server

  • cube_name – string, name of the cube

  • view_name – string, name of the native view

  • private – boolean


instance of TM1py.NativeView

is_mdx_view(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private=False, **kwargs)
is_native_view(cube_name: str, view_name: str, private=False)
search_subset_in_native_views(dimension_name: str = None, subset_name: str = None, cube_name: str = None, include_elements: bool = False, **kwargs) Tuple[List[View], List[View]]

Get all public and private native views that utilize specified dimension subset

  • dimension_name – string, valid dimension name with subset to query

  • subset_name – string, valid subset name to search for in views

  • cube_name – str, optionally specify cube to search, otherwise will search all cubes

  • include_elements – false to return view details without elements, faster


2 Lists of TM1py.View instances: private views, public views

update(view: MDXView | NativeView, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

Update an existing view

  • view – instance of TM1py.NativeView or TM1py.MDXView

  • private – boolean



update_or_create(view: MDXView | NativeView, private: bool = False, **kwargs) Response

update if exists, else create

  • view

  • private

  • kwargs


TM1 Objects

class TM1py.Annotation(comment_value: str, object_name: str, dimensional_context: Iterable[str], comment_type: str = 'ANNOTATION', annotation_id: str = None, text: str = '', creator: str = None, created: str = None, last_updated_by: str = None, last_updated: str = None)

Abtraction of TM1 Annotation

  • Class complete, functional and tested.

  • doesn’t cover Attachments though

property body: str
property body_as_dict: Dict
property comment_value: str
construct_body_for_post(cube_dimensions) Dict
property created: str
property dimensional_context: List[str]
classmethod from_json(annotation_as_json: str) Annotation

Alternative constructor


annotation_as_json – String, JSON


instance of TM1py.Process

property id: str
property last_updated: str
property last_updated_by: str
move(dimension_order: Iterable[str], dimension: str, target_element: str, source_element: str = None)

Move annotation on given dimension from source_element to target_element

  • dimension_order – List, order of the dimensions in the cube

  • dimension – dimension name

  • target_element – target element name

  • source_element – source element name


property object_name: str
property text: str
class TM1py.Application(path: str, name: str, application_type: ApplicationTypes | str)
property application_id: str
property body: str
property body_as_dict: Dict
class TM1py.Chore(name: str, start_time: ChoreStartTime, dst_sensitivity: bool, active: bool, execution_mode: str, frequency: ChoreFrequency, tasks: Iterable[ChoreTask])

Abstraction of TM1 Chore

MULTIPLE_COMMIT = 'MultipleCommit'
SINGLE_COMMIT = 'SingleCommit'
property active: bool
add_task(task: ChoreTask)
property body: str
property body_as_dict: Dict
construct_body() str

construct self.body (json) from the class attributes :return: String, TM1 JSON representation of a chore

property dst_sensitivity: bool
property execution_mode: str
property execution_path: Dict

1 chore together with its executed processes Use case: building out a tree of chores and their processes (and again the processes that are called by the latter (if any)). :return: dictionary containing chore name as the key and a list of process names as the value

property frequency: ChoreFrequency
classmethod from_dict(chore_as_dict: Dict) Chore

Alternative constructor


chore_as_dict – Chore as dict


Chore, an instance of this class

classmethod from_json(chore_as_json: str) Chore

Alternative constructor


chore_as_json – string, JSON. Response of /Chores(‘x’)/Tasks?$expand=*


Chore, an instance of this class

property name: str
reschedule(days: int = 0, hours: int = 0, minutes: int = 0, seconds: int = 0)
property start_time: ChoreStartTime
property tasks: List[ChoreTask]
class TM1py.ChoreFrequency(days: str | int, hours: str | int, minutes: str | int, seconds: str | int)

Utility class to handle time representation fore Chore Frequency

property days: str
property frequency_string: str
classmethod from_string(frequency_string: str) ChoreFrequency
property hours: str
property minutes: str
property seconds: str
class TM1py.ChoreStartTime(year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int, minute: int, second: int, tz: str = None)

Utility class to handle time representation for Chore Start Time

add(days: int = 0, hours: int = 0, minutes: int = 0, seconds: int = 0)
property datetime: <module 'datetime' from '/home/docs/.asdf/installs/python/3.11.6/lib/python3.11/'>
classmethod from_string(start_time_string: str) ChoreStartTime
set_time(year: int = None, month: int = None, day: int = None, hour: int = None, minute: int = None, second: int = None)
property start_time_string: str
subtract(days: int = 0, hours: int = 0, minutes: int = 0, seconds: int = 0)
class TM1py.ChoreTask(step: int, process_name: str, parameters: List[Dict[str, str]])

Abstraction of a Chore Task

A Chore task always conistst of - The step integer ID: it’s order in the execution plan.

1 to n, where n is the last Process in the Chore

  • The name of the process to execute

  • The parameters for the process

property body: str
property body_as_dict: Dict
classmethod from_dict(chore_task_as_dict: Dict, step: int = None)
property parameters: List[Dict[str, str]]
property process_name: str
property step: int
class TM1py.Cube(name: str, dimensions: Iterable[str], rules: str | Rules | None = None)

Abstraction of a TM1 Cube

property body: str
property dimensions: List[str]
property feedstrings: bool
classmethod from_dict(cube_as_dict: Dict) Cube

Alternative constructor


cube_as_dict – user as dict


user, an instance of this class

classmethod from_json(cube_as_json: str) Cube

Alternative constructor


cube_as_json – user as JSON string


cube, an instance of this class

property has_rules: bool
property name: str
property rules: Rules
property skipcheck: bool
property undefvals: bool
class TM1py.Dimension(name: str, hierarchies: Iterable[Hierarchy] | None = None)

Abstraction of TM1 Dimension

A Dimension is a container for hierarchies.

add_hierarchy(hierarchy: Hierarchy)
property body: str
property body_as_dict: Dict
contains_hierarchy(hierarchy_name: str) bool
property default_hierarchy: Hierarchy
classmethod from_dict(dimension_as_dict: Dict) Dimension
classmethod from_json(dimension_as_json: str) Dimension
get_hierarchy(hierarchy_name: str) Hierarchy
property hierarchies: List[Hierarchy]
property hierarchy_names: List[str]
property name: str
remove_hierarchy(hierarchy_name: str)
property unique_name: str
class TM1py.Element(name, element_type: Types | str, attributes: List[str] = None, unique_name: str = None, index: int = None)

Abstraction of TM1 Element

class Types(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
property body: str
property body_as_dict: Dict
property element_attributes: List[str]
property element_type: Types
static from_dict(element_as_dict: Dict) Element
property index: int
property name: str
property unique_name: str
class TM1py.ElementAttribute(name: str, attribute_type: Types | str)

Abstraction of TM1 Element Attributes

class Types(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
property attribute_type: str
property body: str
property body_as_dict: Dict
classmethod from_dict(element_attribute_as_dict: Dict) ElementAttribute
classmethod from_json(element_attribute_as_json: str) ElementAttribute
property name: str
class TM1py.Git(url: str, deployment: str, force: bool, deployed_commit: GitCommit, remote: GitRemote, config: dict = None)

Abstraction of Git object

property config: dict
property deployed_commit: GitCommit
property deployment: str
property force: bool
classmethod from_dict(json_response: Dict) Git
property remote: GitRemote
property url: str
class TM1py.GitCommit(commit_id: str, summary: str, author: str)

Abstraction of Git Commit

property author: str
property commit_id: str
property summary: str
class TM1py.GitPlan(plan_id: str, branch: str, force: bool)

Base GitPlan abstraction

property branch: str
property force: bool
property plan_id: str
class TM1py.GitRemote(connected: bool, branches: List[str], tags: List[str])

Abstraction of GitRemote

property branches: List[str]
property connected: bool
property tags: List[str]
class TM1py.Hierarchy(name: str, dimension_name: str, elements: Iterable[Element] | None = None, element_attributes: Iterable[ElementAttribute] | None = None, edges: Dict | None = None, subsets: Iterable[str] | None = None, structure: int | None = None, default_member: str | None = None)

Abstraction of TM1 Hierarchy Requires reference to a Dimension

Elements modeled as a Dictionary where key is the element name and value an instance of TM1py.Element {

‘US’: instance of TM1py.Element, ‘CN’: instance of TM1py.Element, ‘AU’: instance of TM1py.Element


ElementAttributes of type TM1py.Objects.ElementAttribute

Edges are represented as a TM1py.Utils.CaseAndSpaceInsensitiveTupleDict: {

(parent1, component1) : 10, (parent1, component2) : 30


Subsets is list of type TM1py.Subset

add_component(parent_name: str, component_name: str, weight: int)
add_edge(parent: str, component: str, weight: float)
add_element(element_name: str, element_type: str | Types)
add_element_attribute(name: str, attribute_type: str)
property balanced: bool
property body: str
property body_as_dict: Dict
contains_element(element_name: str) bool
property default_member: str
property dimension_name: str
property edges: Dict[Tuple[str], Element]
property element_attributes: List[ElementAttribute]
property elements: Dict[str, Element]
classmethod from_dict(hierarchy_as_dict: Dict, dimension_name: str = None) Hierarchy
get_ancestor_edges(element_name: str, recursive: bool = False) Dict
get_ancestors(element_name: str, recursive: bool = False) Set[Element]
get_descendant_edges(element_name: str, recursive: bool = False) Dict
get_descendants(element_name: str, recursive: bool = False, leaves_only=False) Set[Element]
get_element(element_name: str) Element
property name: str
remove_edge(parent: str, component: str)
remove_edges(edges: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]])
remove_element(element_name: str)
remove_element_attribute(name: str)
replace_element(old_element_name: str, new_element_name: str)

Substitute one element in the hierarchy structure, so that all edges are moved from the old element to the new element.

property subsets: List[str]
update_edge(parent: str, component: str, weight: float)
update_element(element_name: str, element_type: str | Types)
class TM1py.MDXView(cube_name: str, view_name: str, MDX: str)

Abstraction on TM1 MDX view

IMPORTANT. MDXViews can’t be seen through the old TM1 clients (Archict, Perspectives). They do exist though!

property MDX: str
property body: str
construct_body() str
classmethod from_dict(view_as_dict: Dict, cube_name: str = None) MDXView
classmethod from_json(view_as_json: str, cube_name: str | None = None) MDXView
property mdx
substitute_title(dimension: str, hierarchy: str, element: str)

dimension and hierarchy name are space sensitive!

  • dimension

  • hierarchy

  • element


class TM1py.NativeView(cube_name: str, view_name: str, suppress_empty_columns: bool | None = False, suppress_empty_rows: bool | None = False, format_string: str | None = '0.#########', titles: Iterable[ViewTitleSelection] | None = None, columns: Iterable[ViewAxisSelection] | None = None, rows: Iterable[ViewAxisSelection] | None = None)

Abstraction of TM1 NativeView (classic cube view)


Complete, functional and tested

property MDX: str
add_column(dimension_name: str, subset: Subset | AnonymousSubset = None)

Add Dimension or Subset to the column-axis

  • dimension_name – name of the dimension

  • subset – instance of TM1py.Subset. Can be None


add_row(dimension_name: str, subset: Subset = None)

Add Dimension or Subset to the row-axis

  • dimension_name

  • subset – instance of TM1py.Subset. Can be None instead.


add_title(dimension_name: str, selection: str, subset: Subset | AnonymousSubset = None)

Add subset and element to the titles-axis

  • dimension_name – name of the dimension.

  • selection – name of an element.

  • subset – instance of TM1py.Subset. Can be None instead.


property as_MDX: str

Build a valid MDX Query from an Existing cubeview. Takes Zero suppression into account. Throws an Exception when no elements are place on the columns. Subsets are referenced in the result-MDX through the TM1SubsetToSet Function


String, the MDX Query

property body: str
property columns: List[ViewAxisSelection]
property format_string: str
classmethod from_dict(view_as_dict: Dict, cube_name: str = None) NativeView
classmethod from_json(view_as_json: str, cube_name: str | None = None) NativeView

Alternative constructor :Parameters:

view_as_json : string, JSON


View : an instance of this class

property mdx
remove_column(dimension_name: str)

remove dimension from the column axis




remove_row(dimension_name: str)

remove dimension from the row axis




remove_title(dimension_name: str)

Remove dimension from the titles-axis


dimension_name – name of the dimension.


property rows: List[ViewAxisSelection]
substitute_title(dimension: str, element: str)
property suppress_empty_cells: bool
property suppress_empty_columns: bool
property suppress_empty_rows: bool
property titles: List[ViewTitleSelection]
class TM1py.Process(name: str, has_security_access: bool | None = False, ui_data: str = 'CubeAction=1511\x0cDataAction=1503\x0cCubeLogChanges=0\x0c', parameters: Iterable = None, variables: Iterable = None, variables_ui_data: Iterable = None, prolog_procedure: str = '', metadata_procedure: str = '', data_procedure: str = '', epilog_procedure: str = '', datasource_type: str = 'None', datasource_ascii_decimal_separator: str = '.', datasource_ascii_delimiter_char: str = ';', datasource_ascii_delimiter_type: str = 'Character', datasource_ascii_header_records: int = 1, datasource_ascii_quote_character: str = '', datasource_ascii_thousand_separator: str = ',', datasource_data_source_name_for_client: str = '', datasource_data_source_name_for_server: str = '', datasource_password: str = '', datasource_user_name: str = '', datasource_query: str = '', datasource_uses_unicode: bool = True, datasource_view: str = '', datasource_subset: str = '')

Abstraction of a TM1 Process.

IMPORTANT. doesn’t work with Processes that were generated through the Wizard

AUTO_GENERATED_STATEMENTS = '#****Begin: Generated Statements***\r\n#****End: Generated Statements****\r\n'
BEGIN_GENERATED_STATEMENTS = '#****Begin: Generated Statements***'
END_GENERATED_STATEMENTS = '#****End: Generated Statements****'
MAX_STATEMENTS_POST_11_8_015 = 100000
static add_generated_string_to_code(code: str) str
add_parameter(name: str, prompt: str, value: str | int | float, parameter_type: str | None = None)
  • name

  • prompt

  • value

  • parameter_type – introduced in TM1 11 REST API, therefor optional. if Not given type is derived from value


add_variable(name: str, variable_type: str)

add variable to the process

  • name

  • variable_type – ‘String’ or ‘Numeric’


property body: str
property data_procedure: str
property datasource_ascii_decimal_separator: str
property datasource_ascii_delimiter_char: str
property datasource_ascii_delimiter_type: str
property datasource_ascii_header_records: int
property datasource_ascii_quote_character: str
property datasource_ascii_thousand_separator: str
property datasource_data_source_name_for_client: str
property datasource_data_source_name_for_server: str
property datasource_password: str
property datasource_query: str
property datasource_subset: str
property datasource_type: str
property datasource_user_name: str
property datasource_uses_unicode: bool
property datasource_view: str
property epilog_procedure: str
classmethod from_dict(process_as_dict: Dict) Process

process_as_dict – Dictionary, process as dictionary


an instance of this class

classmethod from_json(process_as_json: str) Process

process_as_json – response of /Processes(‘x’)?$expand=*


an instance of this class

property has_security_access: bool
static max_statements(version: str)
property metadata_procedure: str
property name: str
property parameters: List
property prolog_procedure: str
remove_parameter(name: str)
remove_variable(name: str)
property variables: List
class TM1py.Rules(rules: str)

Abstraction of Rules on a cube.


A collection of rulestatements, where each statement is stored in uppercase without linebreaks. comments are not included.

property feeder_statements: List[str]
property feedstrings: bool
property has_feeders: bool
property rule_statements: List[str]
property rules_analytics: List[str]
property skipcheck: bool
property text: str
property undefvals: bool
class TM1py.Sandbox(name: str, include_in_sandbox_dimension: bool = True, loaded: bool = False, active: bool = False, queued: bool = False)

Abstraction of a TM1 Sandbox

property body: str
classmethod from_dict(sandbox_as_dict: Dict) Sandbox

Alternative constructor


sandbox_as_dict – user as dict


an instance of this class

classmethod from_json(sandbox_as_json: str) Sandbox

Alternative constructor


sandbox_as_json – user as JSON string


sandbox, an instance of this class

property include_in_sandbox_dimension: bool
property name: str
class TM1py.Server(server_as_dict: Dict)

Abstraction of the TM1 Server


contains the information you get from http://localhost:5895/Servers no methods so far

class TM1py.Subset(subset_name: str, dimension_name: str, hierarchy_name: str = None, alias: str = None, expression: str = None, elements: Iterable[str] = None)

Abstraction of the TM1 Subset (dynamic and static)

add_elements(elements: Iterable[str])

add Elements to static subsets :Parameters:

elements : list of element names

property alias: str
property body: str

same logic here as in TM1 : when subset has expression its dynamic, otherwise static

property body_as_dict: Dict

same logic here as in TM1 : when subset has expression its dynamic, otherwise static

property dimension_name: str
property elements: List[str]
property expression: str
classmethod from_dict(subset_as_dict: Dict) Subset
classmethod from_json(subset_as_json: str) Subset

Alternative constructor :Parameters:

subset_as_jsonstring, JSON

representation of Subset as specified in CSDL


Subset : an instance of this class

property hierarchy_name: str
property is_dynamic: bool
property is_static: bool
property name: str
property type: str
class TM1py.User(name: str, groups: Iterable[str], friendly_name: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, user_type: UserType | str = None, enabled: bool = None)

Abstraction of a TM1 User

add_group(group_name: str)
property body: str
construct_body() str

construct body (json) from the class attributes :return: String, TM1 JSON representation of a user

property enabled: bool
property friendly_name: str
classmethod from_dict(user_as_dict: Dict) User

Alternative constructor


user_as_dict – user as dict


user, an instance of this class

classmethod from_json(user_as_json: str)

Alternative constructor


user_as_json – user as JSON string


user, an instance of this class

property groups: List[str]
property is_admin: bool
property is_data_admin: bool
property is_ops_admin: bool
property is_security_admin: bool
property name: str
property password: str
remove_group(group_name: str)
property user_type: UserType
class TM1py.View(cube: str, name: str)

Abstraction of TM1 View serves as a parentclass for TM1py.Objects.MDXView and TM1py.Objects.NativeView

abstract body() str
property cube: str
property mdx
property name: str
class TM1py.ViewAxisSelection(dimension_name: str, subset: Subset | AnonymousSubset)

Describes what is selected in a dimension on an axis. Can be a Registered Subset or an Anonymous Subset

property body: str
property body_as_dict: Dict
property dimension_name: str
property hierarchy_name: str
property subset: Subset | AnonymousSubset
class TM1py.ViewTitleSelection(dimension_name: str, subset: AnonymousSubset | Subset, selected: str)

Describes what is selected in a dimension on the view title. Can be a Registered Subset or an Anonymous Subset

property body: str
property dimension_name: str
property hierarchy_name: str
property selected: str
property subset: Subset | AnonymousSubset


class TM1py.Exceptions.Exceptions.TM1pyTimeout(method: str, url: str, timeout: float)
class TM1py.Exceptions.Exceptions.TM1pyVersionException(function: str, required_version)
class TM1py.Exceptions.Exceptions.TM1pyNotAdminException(function: str)
class TM1py.Exceptions.Exceptions.TM1pyRestException(response: str, status_code: int, reason: str, headers: Mapping)

Exception for failing REST operations

property headers
property reason
property response
property status_code
class TM1py.Exceptions.Exceptions.TM1pyException(message)

The default exception for TM1py

class TM1py.Exceptions.Exceptions.TM1pyWriteFailureException(statuses: List[str], error_log_files: List[str])
class TM1py.Exceptions.Exceptions.TM1pyWritePartialFailureException(statuses: List[str], error_log_files: List[str], attempts: int)